Racial Equity Anti Hero: Nancy Pelosi

Intro to Series: laceonrace.com/2021/02/04/racial-equity-anti-hero-series/

Tiffany Washington talks her shit from the backwoods of Alabama. Her work appears on Facebook because she’s already been rejected by The Root.

Good morning and welcome to Today, in Black History. We are here to remind you which of your liberal/American heroes are actually racist pieces of shit. Don’t worry: we have enough material to run this series throughout the year, but we save the especially juicy ones for Black History Month.
Kicking off the season is everyone’s current favorite mouthpiece, Nancy Pelosi. See, Nancy likes to ‘throw rocks and hide her hand’ (in my Annie Mae voice).
“In the crucial months ahead, we must strive to make America beautiful again. Trump’s daily lack of civility has provoked responses that are predictable but unacceptable. As we go forward, we must conduct elections in a way that achieves unity from sea to shining sea.”
She said this is response to Auntie Maxine basically telling us all to not stand down to members of the Trump administration. Which is what we should be doing. Maybe we’ll give ole Nancy the benefit of the doubt, here. I mean, she’d probably tell anyone this, right?
“I probably have a generational reaction it, but in any event I’m not in the censorship business. I don’t like that language, I wouldn’t use that language, I don’t again establish any language standards for my colleagues. But I don’t think it’s anything worse than what the president has said.”
This was said in response to Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s comments on impeachment.
So, we defend everyone except your African American colleague who has worked with you for….how…..long? But isn’t this just clear women being clear women? It seems they have had this disdain for black women ever since we stopped cooking their food. Has the lack of seasoning gone to their head?
Oh, but it don’t stop there! Nancy got that Trump endorsement and proceeded to loose her Dwight mind.
“I support the recognition that black lives matter, for sure, and I have incorporated that in many of my statements. All lives matter… we really have to redress past grievances in terms of how we addressed the African-American community.”
You support the “recognition?” That’s just a long winded way of accepting that black folks exist. “Past grievances?” Bitch, you mean this morning?
Nothing to see here, folks.

5 responses to “Racial Equity Anti Hero: Nancy Pelosi”

  1. Emily Holzknecht Avatar
    Emily Holzknecht

    You talk about staying silent. I am realizing I need to write to Pelosi and tell her what I think too, not just post it here.

  2. Emily Holzknecht Avatar
    Emily Holzknecht

    I have come to an awareness in the past that I get into a relationship with some people where it doesn’t matter what that person says, I will already be looking for a way to disagree with it before they’ve even said it. I have had to step back and recognize this habit and reign it in and actively work to change my side of our relationship so that I am being more generous with them. These were relationships with individual white people. White people can also be in this sort of one-sided adversarial relationship with an entire race. Recognizing this lack of generosity in ourselves and the patterns in our approaches in interacting is really difficult to do. Here at Lace on Race we have a community of walkers to help us see where we need to grow our generosity and where our harmful patterns lie…if we’re willing to walk.

  3. Rebecca McClinton Avatar
    Rebecca McClinton

    As evidenced here, saying one thing, or saying you are one thing, and then doing/being another is so harmful. I know I will never be perfectly congruent, but I have to strive to be to the biggest degree I can. How will Black and Brown people trust me without that.

  4. Christina Sonas Avatar
    Christina Sonas

    Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden, with the argument for unity and bipartisanship, are reaching out to white Republicans and rejecting the diverse electorate that gave them unified government. Nothing more white supremacist in a contemporary Democrat than that.

  5. Clare Steward Avatar
    Clare Steward

    We ww are experts at playing both sides of the fence and avoiding direct statements and actions of support and change if it means we might get flack from other wp regarding taking too strong of a stance for what is right. I know I personally have issues with being direct and calling a thing a thing and my lack of direct words and actions is a way to protect my comfort while simultaneously hurting the people I claim to want to stand by. The wishy washy, passive behavior where we attempt to be Switzerland only upholds white supremacist systems.

    Not only do I have issues standing strongly and firmly with conviction, I have issues seeing the same behavior in my white peers. I often have a hard time seeing beyond their “cover” of being a “nice white lady” (a term Lace has used) which means I am still holding more value on intent vs impact. Having a BLM sign in my window and posting all the right things on FB does nothing if it’s only for show and there is no ACTION behind it. It all amounts to how I want others to perceive me vs actual movement towards racial justice and equity.

    This ties in to recent conversations we have been having in the Lace on Race Cafe Bistro regarding the fact that it is a conscious choice to stay silent and protect our own comfort when what is really needed is quick action centered around the North Star of lessening and mitigating harm endured by Black and Brown people.

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