The Bistro

April Pre-Ask

  • Author
  • #8795

    Julia Tayler

    <div>Crossposted on Facebook </div>I’m here to do the work. Money has always been a clench for me so I’m working on being proactive every month. I appreciate the candor that you use here. I’ll come back and keep commenting.

  • #8796

    Megan Parmar

    I see myself in this post. I am here and happy to engage financially. But my commenting is not consistent. I come in waves. I need to be more consistent and reliable in engaging in the posts with the community.

  • #8802

    Christina Sonas

    Memes don’t offer us anything for dismantling wh supremacy and practicing antiracism for Black and brown people just by looking at them. Richard Dawkins created the word to evoke the mechanics of genetics in how cultural bits of information are replicated and distributed. The memes don’t become part of us without mutation, without exercising our context on the meme to actually *create* something. For every meme I absorb that purports antiracism, there are thousands of memes that I’m absorbing that reinforce wh supremacy, wh capitalism, wh exploitation. They just don’t appear inside a famous internet logo-frame like Facebook or Twitter, or with nice graphics. I can’t just absorb; it won’t make a difference against the cataract of mainstream wh information. The only way to make a difference with antiracism is to put relentless, active, conscious, deliberate effort into transforming my memes. I’m here to make that difference. You don’t have to “ask” me.

    • #8813

      Christina, I am also thinking about how private that absorption is. I read a meme. I internally shift the message to contort to my views or perception. And there is never external feedback, discussion, or community to act as a sieve so the rocks and pebbles of white supremacy don’t filter through. My sieve is rather just a funnel. That is dangerous.

      • #8827

        Christina Sonas

        So true! When I absorb without intention, then all my automated systems are in charge of the process — and my biggest automated system is white supremacy.

  • #8805

    Jen Scaggs

    Yes, here at LoR you ask more, you ask differently than other places, but that is how you accomplish more. Although it can seem overwhelming at first, I appreciate the explicitness of all the guidelines here. You’re right. With the guidelines, you are offering an instruction manual for anyone to successfully be in relationship with you (or anyone else). What a gift!

  • #8811

    I can definitely feel that draw to be active and then fade to the background. I’ve done that in myriads of “creative” ways in my life: blaming myself being an introvert, blaming not knowing what to say/do (I can always say something’s not right here!), blaming exhaustion/tiredness, I can blame my brain that has to chew a little harder at times when it goes word soupy from time to time. It’s an endless list, really that white people like me create and recreate and repackage in a thousand different ways, a thousand different harmful daggers. (cross posted to facebook)

  • #8812

    <crossposted to Facebook>

    I think people’s embrace of “conflict” via snarkiness and memes gives you a jolt of adrenaline and superiority that as you point out, is counter-productive and outright harmful for racial justice work. I know I want to get drawn into that and have to work against it. It’s so much emotionally easier to push people away – even if in your own head – than it is to be open to them and vulnerable to feeling hurt. I appreciate both the clear expectations here that make it so clear what good relationship really looks like. Even when and especially when it’s hard.

    • #9175

      Rhonda Freeman

      Shannon, I really appreciate you calling this out. The shot of ‘something’ when you read a meme and react and then go on with your life. I think this is one of the ways that I know that I am not internalizing -not doing the practice. A quick look and turning away. I commit to looking, uncovering, figuring out, inviting in.

  • #8814

    I am thinking about how withdrawal allows me to not only do the work, but keep my image innocent and superior. No one ever gets to know me, shadows and all. Grow In does not mean to turtle in to my self, insecurities, comforts, and harm.

  • #8815

    Jessie Lee

    It’s interesting how naturally we in the LoR community frame events like Holly’s departure and subsequent sabotage as distractions from the work rather than as the work itself.

    The work is staying in the car, as Lace said, “when confronted with the actual instead of the theoretical; the applied rather than the hypothetical; the visceral versus the dissociated.”

    I need to unpack that more. Why does my brain want to keep the work in the theoretical, hypothetical, and disassociated rather than the actual, applied, and visceral?

    Oh yeah… because white supremacy. Because I’d rather make theoretical sacrifices than real ones that change my life.

    Keeping the work theoretical is how I get to straddle the fence… to have my cake and eat it too. It’s how I get to be neutral and appear innocent, at least to my cohort and even myself if I’m letting my relational ethics and racial justice muscles atrophy.

    But my muscles aren’t atrophied. They could certainly be stronger, but they work and are capable of moving around some weight (ie pushing on that stone Lace often speaks of). So when my desire is to stay in the theoretical, it’s an issue of volition and agency. I’ve practiced in the theoretical for moments like Holly’s attacks. I know what to do even if my execution is shaky. There’s where the choice point comes in: will I put my muscles to use in the way I said I would or will I choose white supremacy again?

    • #8828

      Christina Sonas

      I struggle with the move from theoretical to practical, too. Mostly, I think, because racism is theoretical to me as a wh person; it’s a void in my experience, without anchor or context. In order to shift to practical, real antiracism, I have to cross over — every day, every moment — to acknowledgement of the humanity of BIPOC. That their practical is my practical, too.

    • #8874

      Clare Steward

      Theoretical and hypothetical is safe and even then, how often do I use “risk” in theoretical situations as a cop out and turtle in vs leaning in (using language Marlise used above). I can not stop working and walking and strengthening my muscles so that there is no hesitation and the safety of others is my main concern with NS guiding my actions.

      • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by  Clare Steward.
  • #8878

    I can’t get complacent and think that because I’ve been walking here for more than six months or because I have seen over six months worth of asks that I won’t also fall down. Every day is a new day to show up and do the work.

  • #8882

    The part about attrition including decreased engagement as well as leaving the group stood out. I will give myself reasons not to engage, to avoid doing the new thing in new ways, but those reasons need to be redirected. I can see myself engaging less but not leaving the group, thinking I’m doing better for staying in than not, when that positioning could make me specifically dangerous. It’s a reminder to look for a range of behaviours that could cause harm, not just the behaviours that are obvious to me, as well as to work with/as part of a group. [cross-posted to Facebook]

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