Community Partners

Community Partners are organizations under Black or POC leadership that LORCRE partners with financially to support racial justice and social movement. Each month our goal is to contribute to the work of at least one organization in alignment with our North Star mission of lessening and mitigating harm to Black and Brown people.

Please join us in making change through financial engagement with our organization and contributing to the organizations we have supported.

Abolitionist Teaching Network

Creates programming for educational liberation, support abolitionist work across the country, and advocate and agitate for change in education.

Advocating 4 Kids

Advocating 4 Kids, Inc supports Black and Brown neurodivergent students providing them with special education advocacy services. They also provide community training to public agencies that support students, helping increase equity opportunities for the students and families they serve.

Amani Community Services

Amani Community Services is a culturally specific domestic violence and sexual assault agency serving African Americans in Black Hawk and Linn Counties, Iowa. Their staff provides counseling, out reach services, personal advocacy, legal advocacy, children’s programming and information and referrals.

API Initiative

API Initiative promotes, advocates, collaborates and advances Asian American, Native Hawaiians/Pacific Islanders communities.


‘Black2Nature is about providing a safe and affordable space for like minded individuals to come together to learn, heal, and recreate oneness with the land. We’re not just camping :)! Our goal is true individual connections with Mother Earth, while also sharing and exchanging of wealth of knowledge, eating great foods, and adding to the frequencies of freedom and intentional living.’ 

Black Doctors COVID19 Consortium

African Americans are being diagnosed at a disproportionately higher rate than other groups and are dying from coronavirus at a higher rate than other groups. To address that need, the Black Doctors COVID19 Consortium was born. We have built a mobile COVID19 testing operation. Our goal with the mobile unit is to provide a testing alternative that is BARRIER FREE to test for coronavirus disease in our hardest-hit areas in Philadelphia.

The Black Spectrum Fund

Provides behavioral services for the families of Black Autistic children and Black Autistic adults free of cost.

Bridge of Love Across the Border

Collects, sorts, and takes donations across the border to families, children, and members of the LGBTQ community seeking refuge and asylum.

COVID19 Mutual Aid Fund for LGBTQI+ BIPOC Folks

The COVID19 pandemic has exposed in particular vulnerability of queer, transgender, non-binary and/or intersex Black, Indigenous folks and other LGBTQI+ people of color (QTIBIPOC folks). Due to our community disproportionately experiencing a lifelong arc of violence and discrimination, many of our community members are impoverished and housing unstable. Realizing a need for mutual aid for our communities at this time and inspired by Ijeoma Oluo’s efforts to support her community of fellow artists in Seattle, Amita Swadhin launched this fun on March 14, 2020. Click button for link to read more.

Dignified Learning Project

The Dignified Learning Project aims to revolutionize education by working collaboratively with community without hierarchical perspectives.

GoFundMe for Holly Raines’ Son

In Memory of Holly, Help Support Her Son

House of Tulip

House of Tulip, based in Louisiana, provides zero-barrier housing, case management, linkage to care, and community programming to trans and gender nonconforming people in need of a safe place to stay while growing the supply of affordable housing.

I Am My Brother’s Keeper

Food distribution and support to disenfranchised communities.

Kinfolk Kollective

Donations to keeping Black folks fed, housed and otherwise safe.

Nurturing Roots

Nurturing Roots is a community farming program focused on educating youth & community members on healthy food choices. Creating community through gardening.

Philadelphia Community Bail Fund (PCBF)

We are the Philadelphia Community Bail Fund. Our mission is to end cash bail in Philadelphia and to free those who can’t afford to post bail.

QTPOC Mental Health – Rest for Resistance

The Rest for Resistance program strives to uplift marginalized communities, those who rarely get access to adequate health care or social support. This includes Black, Indigenous, Latinx, Pacific Islander, Asian, Middle Eastern, and multiracial persons.

Rent Fund for Undocumented People – COVID19

We are encouraging you to donate your full or partial stimulus check to undocumented folks in Seattle. Please consider donating or sharing; our communities appreciate any form of solidarity.

RISE District

RISE District fundraises specifically for Black marginalized genders who have been impacted by systemic racism, as well as, on a case by case basis, Native American marginalized genders. Their foundation was Black women because as Malcolm X remarked “The most disrespected person in America is the black woman. The most unprotected person in America is the black woman. The most neglected person in America is the black woman”. This foundation has been expanded to be intersectional and inclusive of Black people that are frequently erased. RISE District also helps with resumes, job searches, social advocacy, childcare, mental health needs, food and anything else that they get asked to do.

Voix Noire

Putting the ‘Hood’ in Robin Hood through Reparations.

Washington Immigrant Solidarity Network

Building Immigrant and refugee power in Washington State.