Mid-May Ask

This May Mid Month Ask will be short(ish).

As always there is a flurry of new stuff happening, both in front and in back of the house, and both here in the community of LoR and outside, as I take our message of kind candor and rigor to other communities and groups. It’s a privilege to be able to do so.

And, as always, after I carry our message there, it is always such a pleasure to be able to come back here. Back here to my metaphorical living room, where I get to see the deep growth and internal work being done, both by new walkers and seasoned walkers alike. 

It makes my heart glad. And it also makes my heart sing when I hear of what you all are doing outside the walls of Lace on Race; how it has changed how you move in the world; with your families; colleagues; friends. How you are becoming braver. How you are balancing slosh buckets. How you are risking here in this space in preparation for doing the same in your workplaces and communities. 

Thank you.

There are people who ask if I get frustrated and discouraged, particularly in light of the last few months as the community as a whole continues to heal and to learn the lessons that we were forced, at a sort of metaphorical gunpoint, to learn.

We learned a lot. We learned that some were not up to the challenge, and left. We wish them well, and hope that they are doing the work that is absolutely needed elsewhere, and keep the pot on for them if they ever want to climb the steps to the porch and back into the living room. 

We are learning from those who have stayed, but have gone silent. The previous months have shaken even the most dedicated walkers, and, if who I am describing includes you, I understand that it might take time to remember who I am, and who you are, and who we are together. You might want to know if we are going to be here for the long haul. With the level of work that we do here, reliability is key. I get it. 

I promise you that we will remain. These last months have only strengthened the resolve of myself and Leadership Team to continue to give you our very best. And we have. We’re waiting for you too; waiting for you to, as you get comfortable in our freshly and lovingly refurbished living room, waiting for you to chime in with the voice only you have. We are ready to listen, and to engage with you, and to enfold you with Hesed love, all in service to our North Star: lessening and mitigating the harm endured by Black and Brown people, perpetuated by white people and white supremacy. We are glad you stayed–and, making the covert overt, we are glad you have stayed, even if you have, however temporarily, stopped bringing your contribution to the shared meal. We hope you do; meanwhile, whether or not you see fit to contribute, do partake of the feast and the orangeade. But I gotta say, I do hope you will decide to share what only you can, in both tangible and intangible ways. 

And for those of you who have been so faithful over these few months, my deepest thank you; thank you for adding to the table, thank you for learning to ladle the soup; thank you for adding your voices. It is what has allowed *us* to be faithful and relentlessly reliable. You are what allows me to take the message outside, to think and to write and to engage, and to hone and share the message of Lace on Race. I am glad you feel I have served you well. My pledge is to continue to do so. 

Settle in. Pour a cup. Look your seatmate in the eye. 

And Keep Walking.

Sustainers, and Sustainers in training, if you have yet to fulfill your monthly commitment, please do so. For those of you who want to become sustainers, there is a link below. And a thank you to those who have tangibly engaged without the Ask; it makes my burden so much lighter. 

For those of you who prefer a la carte, this is also your time, and your opportunity! We are so glad you are here, and so glad you feel that the vibe and the material (and the love!) are worthy of your financial partnering with us.

If you have yet to financially engage in this space, there are a number of pinned posts at both the Takeout Window and at the Bistro where we detail why it is important to an overall praxis, both here and elsewhere. We ask that you consider us Lace on Race as a place to begin living that out. 

As of this writing, we are at a bit less than half of our goal; final numbers will be in the Newsletter. It is gratifying, and, again, makes for a lighter weight on my shoulders. 

For those who would like to be a part of making up the shortfall of these last months by going above and beyond, it will be gratefully and humbly accepted; just designate as much in your message line, and we will be sure to honor your request. 

So much to do! So many bullet points on my list! All important. All in service to our North Star, even as this Ask is in service to our Western Star; the health, sustainability, and legacy of this community. 

My deepest thanks in advance for your support. 

In Hesed Love, 

Your Lace

PayPal: paypal.me/LaceonRace

Engage with us in the Bistro: https://laceonrace.com/groups/the-bistro/forum/discussion/mid-may-ask/

Sustainer Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfFul2VLViJyv7Frn3fU_BStg2BMyk9x-M_CJv6jP4g-zQcuw/viewform?usp=sf_link

Sustainer in Training Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSess6XRJqLL934v_7eB2Ctq6EKOxMiu0Rsm-dZM1d_UHSWZUw/viewform?usp=sf_link

One response to “Mid-May Ask”

  1. Julie Helwege Avatar
    Julie Helwege

    Cross-posted: I’m grateful to be here, and I absolutely must be here. I need Lace on Race like I need daily sustenance. I can’t be anti-racist and supremacist without this important fuel.

    I have financially contributed this month and will continue to be reliable in my monthly money commitments – my Praxis and North Star living demands it.

    You’ve walked through fire these last several months, Lace. I see you, the harm and how you’ve led, integrity always in tact, through it all.

    I appreciate that we don’t gloss over anything here, we lean in, make the covert overt and show the bruises and searing pain. The smoke and char that remains isn’t ignored. We never look away.

    It’s part of the work – I am reminded of the harm and pain I can cause and just like fire, it burns in an instant. It can spread and explode in minutes.

    And then there’s the slow burn too. I fictively see BIPOC balancing slow burn with searing heat day after day after day.

    I’m not above it, I’m not behind it – the world we live in requires me to face my supremacy and white skin every day. Eye to eye, shoulder to shoulder.

    These last several months have taught me about resiliency, resolve and what “skin in the game” really means.

    It’s not about “easy,” no rocky walking – that’s not the goal.

    When I hesitate or resist or want to be silent… that’s when Lace and BIPOC need me to show up the most – this choice point is where I fan the flames or aid in extinguishing them.

    This is the walking where my Praxis, my commitment to shared humanity and the proverbial rubber meets the road.

    I’ve learned that I’m not nearly as reflexive as I thought I was, and I have to be engaged every day, while walking harder and faster, to show up in solidarity again and again and again.

    And still, I’m shown grace when I misstep; I’m provided a cup of soup and hearty meal.

    I don’t mistake grace for comfort anymore or an “it’s okay” pat on the shoulder – I uncenter myself instead.

    I’m held accountable to meaningful and important course correction. I adjust my slosh bucket and own my harm. I learn from my mistakes.

    ALL OF IT is true and necessary in this work.

    Here I am and will continue to be… each day… one foot in front of the other. I have the agency, capacity and volition.

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