As early as two days into this messy ordeal it struck me that many of the folks I saw doing Racial Justice work with emphatic calls to PROTECT BLACK WOMEN and BELIEVE BLACK WOMEN were doing the exact opposite. Was I to subscribe to the notion that my animus towards white women should take precedence over my love for a sista? We have it all TWISTED. We lost our way when we failed to stop hemorrhaging from the wounds of a BLACK WOMAN because the EMS on scene were white and the agent of destruction a POC. As white colleagues circled her to protect her ; hold the perpetrator at bay; question the statements presented as facts we should condemn them? Are we saying that these same actions/arguments would be acceptable and meet our approval if sisterfriends were black??
How do we walk in solidarity?? I saw few giving benefit of doubt to the Black woman in distress. I too was late to the reckoning. Because I was activated by another WOC claiming harm while wallowing in adjacency. I know this, we failed Lace miserably. We failed her brand new organization miserably. In the real streets she would be laying on a slab tonight, dead from mortal wounds and we would be collectively remorseful, trying to figure out how this happened, whilst offering her family thoughts and prayers.
We can do better and WE MUST DO BETTER
~Leonie Cesvette
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