The Face of Lace: A Personal Reflection

Leaving for conference in a bit, but wanted to get this down so I can have more mental bandwidth for my day:

Yesterday was…instructive.

I am going to note something that has occurred to me more than once since we have been walking together in community, but that was in sharp relief in interactions yesterday, from the insistence on react emojis, despite not one, but two posts addressing it, to people assuming I didn’t know how Facebook works, the relatively small number of community members who have actually engaged with the Relational Ethics work, and on and on.

I can’t help but think that, at base, people don’t really think I have a base level of competency. Before you react to that, I want you to really think about what I just said.

It shows up in what I stated above, but in other ways as well.

I want to be clear. I am not looking for anyone to swallow anything that I say–any of my assertions, commentaries, or analyses–nor do I want fawning, unquestioning compliance to my methods or requirements. All of this is up for discussion.

But I can’t help but wonder if something deeper is going on.

So, while I am away from my keyboard for an extended period of time (I will be monitoring during breaks, but only lightly), I have a tough query for all of you.

Do you think I know what I am doing? Do you trust my knowledge of the subject material? Do you feel that my structure for this space is intentional or ad hoc? Do you trust in my timing and pacing of material? Do you believe in my core premises? Crucially, do you trust my character and intention?

In short, do you trust me enough to walk with me in durable, authentic, reliable, resilient ways?

I don’t want you to answer quickly–though I emphatically do want you to answer. Nor do I want you to take my feelings into account. I want candor, kind or otherwise.

But how these queries are answered are good indicators and predictors of how we walk together, how we learn together, and what you all glean, both on an individual and on a collective level.

I dearly hope this day will be one of deep reflection on the queries above, and how you plan to relate to me and to this community going forward. This is crucial work as we move, ever so slowly (more slowly than we should have to, frankly) into even more deep and more challenging work than we have yet done.

Have a good, meaningful, reflective, introspective day.

See you on the flip.

Your Lace

This should go without saying, but, given the plethora of reacts yesterday, I will state it plainly. No hearts or likes. Comments only.

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Next up:
Doing the Work with Resolve, Resilience, and Relentless Reliability