Facebook Publication Date: 12/21/2018 21:12
Until it is absolutely stipulated in your heart, internalized in your soul, that all work is honorable, and every face, sunburned or not, every pair of hands, oilstained or not, every pair of feet, be they in wingtips or work brogans, every uniform, Ann Taylor suit or Wal-Mart vest, has intrinsic worth, you are just playing at justice.
2019 will be the year of uncompromising integration, congruence, and lived praxis.
Or you can surf away and ogle movie stars.
Time to get fecking real.
Lace on Race is serious.
Are you?
Lace on Race sez:
Yeah. Just miss me.
Cleaned toilets? Yep.
Did fry duty? Yep.
12 hour shifts cashiering? Yep.
Clerk for 22 years? Yep.
Wiped infirm bums? Yep.
Walked miles in the rain cuz I didn’t have the cash for a bus pass? Yep.
Slept in my ’77 Cutlass as I scrambled for deposit money? Yep.
All of this. And more.
We gotta stop leading with our credentials and with what the world calls accomplishments.
It is a fetid game, and it is violent to the people we say we stand with.
Celebrate teachers, yes, but also thank economically vulnerable aides.
Thank your nurse, and the CNA, and the shy guy from the kitchen who remembers you like strawberry jam.
Thank the engineer who conceived of the road, and the construction worker who actually built it, and the sweeper who keeps it clean.
Don’t use one tone for the clerk and another for the manager.
And FFS, don’t leverage your privilege and power and flex on a worker cuz you had a bad day, and you wanna see a Burger King worker fired so you can get a toxic dopamine rush because Chad marked up your report.
Respect them. Because most of us are not even two paychecks away from desperation ourselves.
Make it your 2019 resolution to honor all.
Permalink: https://www.facebook.com/laceonrace/posts/pfbid02m8EsBuVtkAvJwUX2VSf13dafimFrJYFQ6vRg2N4zMpiumgo7kvCSE4ayXJzT9Z6nl
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