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March Ask

This is the time for me to ask you to financially engage with this community, as I have asked you to respond with mindful engagement with me and with your fellow walkers.

For sustainers, if you have not already fulfilled your March commitment, please do so now. Apologies that my internal turmoil and the larger than normal activity this month kept me from asking in a more timely manner.

For any of you who are interested in being a sustainer to create stability for this space, please message us; either I or my admin team will contact you. Thanks in advance. I hope you will consider this. Lace on Race cannot exist without you. I hope that you have considered this space a worthy one, that deserves your engagement as we make materials, influence outside this space, and take our message out.

We are currently in the process of securing Patreon; in the meantime, we will be creating a list for those who are willing to walk with us in this way. We will do this after conference. Those of who who are currently sustainers, please add your name to that list as well, as well as new people who want to engage in this enhanced fashion; that way, we will have all the people in the same place for our admin staff to collate and connect with you.

We are re committing to supporting other women of color in this space; each month we will feature, on a weekly basis with each weekly Ask (and despite my trepidation, we will be asking weekly; for the amount of work and care, that is not excessive), a person whose work is worth recognizing and supporting.

This month, the person who is featured is Jess La Bombelera, who engaged with us two Saturdays ago. She gave straight no chaser commentary and engagement, and she turbo charged this space in the time she was here.

I am asking you that you also consider honoring her work, as well. Jess’ Venmo: @Jessica-Cruz-159

We are also giving you the opportunity to contribute to orgs and causes that align with our mission; again, as with individuals, we will be highlighting them for a full month.

This month, we are featuring the Direct Assistance Fund. DAF is focused on fundraising to support direct giving to get resources into the hands of black and brown moms who need housing, clothing, food, diapers, etc. The asks are curated by black women organizers with on the ground frontline experience with the populations of folks most impacted by systemic and institutionalized racism.

DAF works to make income redistribution and reparations a reality for black and brown families around the country.
Like and follow here:
The March PayPal pool can be found here: https://bit.ly/2OhWy2t

I am confident in your ability and willingness to hold them as well and contribute to their efforts as well.

You can engage and walk one or two or all three. But the important piece of your praxis is that you do indeed engage, and not ignore. It is also an important part of your praxis to examine your resistance, or stated inability, or whatever barrier you have to this aspect of the work. If you need an accountability partner, let me know. This is an important enough part of praxis, that it needs to be explored fully.

I expect everyone to contribute. Period. Here’s the kicker, though I hope you choose to engage with us with your dollars, as well as your eyeballs and your words: If you choose not to, we cannot compel you to. But if not me, then who?

‘Nobody’ is not an option, nor is it an acceptable response. If you, after having considered the above three options, still demur, then I am explicitly inviting you to tell us what person or org you are willing to support this month, and drop their name and link in the comments. This means support you have given in March or plan to give before the end March. We may feature them in future months.

See, this is about your congruence, and living up to your stated values. We hope you will consider and truly internalize this, not as something to make your eyes roll, but as something that enhances and makes your walk that much more integral.

Thank you for your consideration, your affirmation of this work, and your continued praxis.

When you have read this post, and taken whatever action you may take, including that of inaction, please post done.

And again, if you cannot or will not, please do that internal work on your own. No comments or PM’s. That is not to my or to the community’s benefit.


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