Facebook Publication Date: 8/31/2019 10:08
This is our organization partner for the month of August.
I will be very Frank with you.
The extent to which we at lace on race engaged with this organization this month was beyond disappointing.
We need to do better, for our own practice as an organization, and for your own personal Praxis.
We should really be moving the needle for the organizations that we partner with, and by and large we do not.
It is the same 10 to 20 people that engage. That absolutely has to change. Starting today.
So I am saying this very candidly to everyone, and I mean everyone- doesn’t matter what your color is, or how you identify.
I want each and every person to contribute to this. That includes all of the lurkers, that includes all of you who seem to think that reacts are still okay, that includes those of you who have been here since the beginning, and those who have been here 20 minutes.
Everyone says that something should be done at the border but when given a clear opportunity to do so people just scroll and roll.
If you are wondering about either the legitimacy or the efficacy of this organization, I can assure you it’s amazing.
I personally know the organizers, and have worked with them on numerous projects.
They are doing exactly the work that all of you say you want to see.
This is a very strong, and to my mind non-negotiable ask for all of you who say you want Justice , and all of you who are in this space because you say you want to walk better and more effectively and more reliably.
This is one way you can live that out.
I will be doing a separate, and frankly every bit as strong, ask for the community of Lace on Race later, and I absolutely expect all of you to contribute to that too, because again you say this is something you want.
Everyone needs to start stepping up.
This is where who you are in your racial Justice walk shows up.
Supporting this space that you say you care and want to continue, and supporting an organization you say you believe in.
Let’s help them finish this month strong, let’s put money in their coffers so that they can do this fundraiser with us standing strong behind them. I expect them to see a definite bump and their contributions today one that can only be attributed to us and our community as we walk with them with Relentless reliability. They know that we’re partnering with them, and frankly I’m embarrassed for our response. I would like for that to change. No excuses, no clench. Make this happen.
Permalink: https://www.facebook.com/laceonrace/posts/pfbid0Z3f7y1mpgrMwftNAKm37XVhZgCvoeHaRmwiY2oAJ36em31rvZ172q8jiESSgi4Url
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