Facebook Publication Date: 9/30/2021 0:09
This should absolutely lay to rest the idea that younger Generations are more enlightened about issues of race than more mature cohorts.
I watched this and was gobsmacked at some of the misinformation, the justifications, and the lack of critical analysis. I’m thinking two things; they didn’t get these ideas on their own; they got them from their parents who are probably at least 45 or older.
But they also get it from the culture they’re immersed in.
That’s a big deal.
We talk a lot about racism being the soup we all swim in, and that soup is not diluted for younger cohorts.
But an illustration that is helpful to me is this: I think about the sneaky mother who Blends broccoli and squash into her kids tomato sauce so they’ll eat it.
That is the more subtle racism that younger Generations both internalize and live out.
That’s different from the racism and white supremacy of the older generation where the racism and the white supremacy were in big chunks oh, absolutely obvious.
What we think of as a non-racist society in 2021 is actually just white supremacist society put through a Vitamix.
For wipipo that can seem something of a relief; if you don’t see the carrot chunks and the celery pieces racism doesn’t exist anymore, does it?
The sneaky mom who just fed her kids broccoli in what they thought we’re SpaghettiOs knows differently, and we should know too.
The perceptions and Impressions that these young people endorser would not have been that much different decades ago.
That speaks to two things.
The soup that they live in, and the people who spoon-fed them that soup slurped bad bisque themselves, and then took that crappy recipe, threw it in a blender and gave it to their kids.
This means that there is absolutely no cohort that can escape responsibility.
It also means that the ways that we interrogate have to be different oh, and we need to be willing to put our biases and schemas through a sieve so that we can see the chunks that were once invisible.
So the question that I ask myself as I cringed through this video was how do we reach young people, most of them think they have it all figured out; much like white people in my parents generation, and like my own generation who thought that they could be snarky and sarcastic and racism would magically dissipate.
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