Facebook Publication Date: 1/28/2022 14:01
On Holocaust Remembrance Day
If you wonder what you would have done had you been in Germany during the Nazi regime oh, the choices you would have made as a citizen in Germany as your neighbors and Friends were systematically oppressed ostracized and killed, if you wonder who the person you would have been in Germany, look at who you are right now.
If you are not using every ounce, every micron, of Your Capacity volition and agency; if you are not outing yourself as being on the side of justice regardless of cost to you oh, you would not have done so then.
If you are not willing to stand up for your black and brown sisters and brothers in America in ways that matter and in ways that could hurt you intentionally and even fell you in El Cajon California or in Michigan or in Georgia or Detroit oh, you would have not done so in Munich or Berlin or Frankfurt.
If you are not brave and taking risks and making real sacrifices on behalf of Justice right now, today, you would not have been brave and taking risks in 1933.
If you are silent in the face of Injustice in your workplace, and your congregations, at the coffee shop with your friends, with your husband or your wife, right now, today, you would have been silent in 1939.
If you would not critique systems and institutions to the point putting salt in the gears and risking your own social and economic capital today because you don’t want to make waves because you want to make your mortgage payment today, you would have acquiesced and silently colluded in 1943.
If you would not literally put your own body on the line in the face a state of State oppression and violence has black and brown people are systematically murdered and subjugated by their governments right now, today oh, you would have not done so 1944 either.
Who you are now is exactly who you would have been then. Confront this and comment.
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