Please register for our new Lace on Race website by following the instructions below. Registering early will help us set up the cafe with appropriate seating so that everything is ready for our soft launch on January 1st.
There will be construction and fine-tuning up until our grand opening on January 21st, just in time to celebrate the 3 year anniversary of Lace on Race!
Registration Instructions
- Go to
- From your desktop, click on the register icon at the top of the page.

From your mobile device, click on the hamburger menu at the top of the screen and then click register.
- Fill out the registration form using your first and last name – no aliases.
- You will receive an email to activate your registration.
- Return to to log in.
- Follow the link to our Members page!
- Follow the profile link at the top or to the left to complete your profile with a real selfie of YOU.

That’s it. Welcome to the Lace on Race cafe!
With love,
Clare and the team at Lace on Race
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