Birthday Joy!

Did you know that Lace isn’t the only one with a birthday this week? Our very own Marlise celebrates her special day today! We all know this page would be lost without her, and we hope you’ll join us on the web page in telling Marlise, mother to our new sapling, LoR admin extraordinaire, and all around amazingly lovely human being, how much she means to our community.

39 responses to “Birthday Joy!”

  1. Julia Gill Avatar
    Julia Gill

    Happy Birthday Marlise! I hope this month brings beauty and grace to you each day. Thank you for all your attention and hard work at LoR.

  2. Nancy D. Avatar
    Nancy D.

    A belated happy birthday, Marlise! Thank you for your contributions in this community.

  3. Barb Chamberlain Avatar

    Happy birthday Marlise, and thank you for your persistence and patience. I always learn from your questions and comments. You model how I hope to be present as a white woman in the LoR space.

  4. Jessie Lee Avatar
    Jessie Lee

    Happy belated birthday, Marlise! I hope your day included lots of love and things that make you smile and laugh. I feel really lucky that I get to read your beautiful and insightful writings and walk alongside you.

  5. Julie Helwege Avatar
    Julie Helwege

    Happy birthday, Marlise! I’m just getting to know you, but your work here at LOR is admired and much appreciated, especially your leadership and your relentlessly reliable walk. Hope this year and your new family addition are absolutely fab. Welcome to your 30’s! -Julie

  6. Christina Sonas Avatar
    Christina Sonas

    Marlise, I hope your day was filled with celebrations of you – as much as a busy mom and admin can manage, anyway 😉 May your next year bring your where you want to be!

  7. Shay Roberts Avatar
    Shay Roberts

    Happy belated birthday, Marlise! I hope your day was full of all the things you love and cherish!

  8. Marlise Avatar

    Dani, I am so mad the pandemic foiled our epic August plans. I am grateful for your friendship, your support, and your candor. ❤️

  9. Marlise Avatar

    Thank you Michele

  10. Marlise Avatar

    Thank you Christine!

  11. Marlise Avatar

    Thank you Konstanze! I look forward to future jokes. 🙂

  12. Marlise Avatar

    Thank you for your kind words, Jackie!

  13. Marlise Avatar

    Thank you Clare! It is convicting to walk with each of you.

  14. Marlise Avatar

    Thank you Rebecca!

  15. Marlise Avatar

    Thank you Jody!

  16. Marlise Avatar

    Catherine, thank you for your kind words. I’ll have to think up a quiz!

  17. Marlise Avatar

    Thank you Laura! And thank you for often entering into discussions with me. I love seeing what clicks for you and challenges me. Love you!

  18. Marlise Avatar

    Abigail, I look forward to many more conversations with you! Thank you!

  19. Marliss Avatar

    Karen, I am glad the community we all work to create is a place of hope. I am grateful for every one of you!

  20. Marlise Avatar

    Spent the day surrounded by my three littles but they all helped me celebrate. Thank you!

  21. Marlise Avatar

    Thank you, Holly, for always being there to encourage!

  22. Marlise Avatar

    Thank you Leah! I am glad I can walk with you all in conversation.

  23. Marlise Avatar

    Thank you Shara!

  24. Shara Avatar

    Happy birthday Marlise!!! Hope you had a wonderful day and that the year ahead is full of happiness and laughter. Thank you for all that you do at Lace on Race 🙂

  25. Leah Gallo Avatar
    Leah Gallo

    Happy Birthday, Marlise! I hope you are able
    to take the day to celebrate you. Thank you for your help as admin for LoR and your always insightful posts. I always appreciative to see when you comment on a post. As Laura said – I know I’m going to learn something! Cheers to an enriching year ahead.

  26. Holly Avatar

    Happy happy birthday, M! Thanks for being so inspirational and well spoken and a solid person to follow as I learn the processes of an LoR admin. And your babies are so adorable. I hope you get rest and feel as loved as you are 💓

  27. Julia Avatar

    Happy birthday Marlise! I hope you’re able to have some you time today! With a new little that can be tough but try to take a little break. Thank you for sharing your perspective and wisdom with us.

  28. Karen Ann Avatar
    Karen Ann

    Happy Birthday, Marlise! Thank you for everything you do to keep this space functioning. It’s become a real community for me, and it has been a bastion of hope during the hard times of the pandemic.

    I hope you have a joyful day.

  29. Abigail Johnson Avatar
    Abigail Johnson

    Happy Birthday Marlise! I have gained so much from your commentary and am so glad to be able to continue to glean more and more. Hope you have a fabulous day!

  30. Laura Berwick Avatar
    Laura Berwick

    Marlise, ever since I began my walk here, whenever I saw “M Boe Flores” on a thread, I knew I was about to LEARN something. The depth of your analysis and your vision right to the core of the racism and white supremacist structures always strikes me as a boning knife in skillful hands. You cut right into things, every time, parting everything out into pieces I can see, and can’t believe I couldn’t see before.

    I have learned so much from you, and have admired you so much these past two years. I want you to know all of that. I know that 2020 is tap-dancing its peak 2020-ness on your corner of the world these days. But I hope you have a chance to be as happy as you deserve today on your birthday. You’re an incredible person, I’m so glad you were born, and all my love to you today! Happy happy birthday!

  31. Catherine Seaver Avatar
    Catherine Seaver

    Happy Birthday, Marlise! I feel like I get to know you more with each comment you leave and how you model growth and humility and kind candor. I hope you have an absolutely wonderful birthday and with the newest little sapling, I’m sure close by, that you have a chance to rest on this day. I so appreciate your work and effort to make this space such a remarkable spot. Sending love and birthday joy to you! Also… I’d love to see your quiz so we could learn more about the details about you!

  32. Jody Jones Avatar
    Jody Jones

    Happy birthday. I hope your special day is full of love. We’re sending you a bunch here. You are appreciated. Your work is appreciated.

  33. Rebecca Mcclinton Avatar
    Rebecca Mcclinton

    Happy birthday, Marlise! Thank you for the tireless work you put into this community and for your passion supporting our North Star! Wishing you a relaxing and refreshing birthday 🌼!

  34. Clare Steward Avatar
    Clare Steward

    Happy birthday! I hope all of your birthday wishes come true. Thank you for all of your thoughtful, thought provoking and insightful words. It’s a pleasure to walk with you.

  35. Jackie Avatar

    Thank you for leading with vulnerability, authenticity, honesty, and empathy, Marlise. Happiest birthday wishes ❤️

  36. Konstanze Avatar

    Dear Marlise,

    Happy Birthday and Herzlichen Glückwunsch to you, too! I don’t know you well enough yet to joke around, but you’re definitely one of the people to emulate.

    Enjoy your day and may the coming year be filled with laughter, love and joy

  37. Christine K Avatar
    Christine K

    Happy Birthday, Marlise. I hope you have a wonderful day and a blessed year!

  38. Michele Russo Avatar
    Michele Russo

    Happy Birthday Marlise!! Wishing you a wonderful day and a year filled with all the good stuff!!


  39. Danielle Joy Holcombe Avatar
    Danielle Joy Holcombe

    Marlise, I can’t wait to one day see you face to face. I have been so blessed to have the opportunity to know you better this year. You have become my dear friend. I love the way I can learn how to do relationship well ~ with someone who is real and vulnerable and honest about her own learning. You come along side me and help me reveal the things I’d rather not see. Looking forward to knowing you ever better!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

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