Lace On Race Guidelines

updated 10/26/2020

The mission or North Star of Lace on Race is to lessen and mitigate the harm endured by Black and Brown people, perpetuated by white people.

For a long time, we have resisted formal guidelines for Lace on Race, the assumption being that people would enter this space, and the ethos and mission would be clear and compelling enough to make a list of rules unnecessary. For the most part, this has been true. 

However, since we are picking up new people every month, in ever greater numbers, we felt it would be wise to be a bit more explicit about expectations and how we operate in here, which is indeed different from other spaces you may have encountered. We have thought and discussed these guidelines, and we truly feel that these new ways of being, codified here, will be beneficial. We appreciate you all, and are so honored and grateful you walk with us. This is just another way of showing that very thing.

*We are not an entertainment space. While we hope we are engaging and a pleasant place to be, as well as informative and instructional, we are not here for amusement or as a distraction. We take this work seriously, and we assume that, if you are here, that you take the work as seriously as we do. Toward that end, we ask that you spend enough time here to actually get something from it, and that you not limit yourself to what you find easy. That means different things to different people. How much time spent is an individual choice, but we will say that the more you are here, the more benefit you will receive. Scrolling and rolling is not going to get you to where you say you want to be.

*No reacts to posts. Ever. Reacts are the “Like”, “Heart”, “Haha” icons Facebook gives you to react to a post with a single click. This is not a space for scrolling and rolling, with a click here and there. You are expected to engage more deeply on the posted material. Reacting to the replies of fellow walkers is acceptable as encouragement, as we walk together, but does not take the place of your own reflective engagement.

*We have said this before many times. Facebook actively suppresses us; you will find only a fraction of what is here if you depend upon Facebook to include us in your feed. This means, as in everything in Lace on Race, it is on you to make coming here and engaging with the material and with your fellow walkers, an intentional, reliable practice. Like everything in racial justice work, it will not just happen for you. And Facebook aside, there will be no automatic prompt for you to visit and engage with the website.

*If there is no new material posted up by me or by the Admins, that does not mean that there is nothing to gain. We can say this with confidence: very few of you have actually read through and, crucially, *commented on* every pinned post and website article. And even if you have, it is always profitable for you to revisit them. You will encounter them in a new way. And there will probably be new comments for you to engage with.

*Thoughtful posts. They don’t have to be dissertations; a paragraph is fine. But try to stay on topic, and if you have a general observation, pivot to race as quickly as you can. And you always can. Our strong expectation is that you will post your own reflections on the material provided, and that you will also reply to the comments of at least two others. This is what we refer to as our “New Norms,” and we have seen a remarkable deepening of the quality of engagement and community here since implementing them. They really do make a significant difference to your growth in this space, and your reflexive ability to lessen and mitigate the harm you can cause.

*Because this is indeed a novel space, where you are challenged to interact with both material and your fellow walkers in ways you may not ever have before, we ask that you give yourself the commitment to be here for a period of time, reading, engaging, fully acclimating yourself to the space, and engaging with intent. Merely lurking or spectating is not enough. One of the challenges we have faced here is what we call churn, with people coming in and out. One of the skills you will be building here is how to become a relentlessly resilient and reliable person; this will bode well for you here as well as outside of this space. We are only as faithful and safe as the whole community commits to being.

*Engage with other community members, not just Lace or the Leadership team.  As important: Engage with those who engage with you. It is damaging to community, and just plain rude, when we ignore each other. We do our best to operate like we’re actually together in my living room or front porch. It’s important to feel connected; engagement with others is the best way to try to create that.

*Here we make the covert overt. If you are asked a question, focus on answering the overt question you were asked directly and simply, rather than responding to it as a covert general challenge, or by answering the question you expect or hope to be asked. This is especially important if the person asking is Lace. This is part of seeing her, a Black woman and our guide on this walk, eye-to-eye. We strive to be “round and flat” in structure, with no one aggrandized or preeminent over another, but Lace is an expert in relational ethics and racial equity, and following Black women is an important part of our praxis.

*No blocking of Lace on Race staff, or of community members. Ever.

*Read the pinned posts on the Facebook page,, and also the posts on the laceonrace. com website. Circle back often; they are added to frequently. There is some overlap between the Page and the website, but there are some real differences. Check both.

*People have wondered what is required reading. The shortest answer is that all of what we present to you is required reading, most particularly pinned posts and the website. We take time and great intention to curate for you the best of what we find. Your way of honoring our efforts is to read with and engage with rigor. We do notice that when we say ‘Required Reading’ on the top of the post, we get greater engagement; still, it is less than 10% of those who actually see the post. That may be ok in other spaces, but here we are New People Doing New Things In New Ways. This includes how we consider our involvement and commitment to this space and with each other.

*Practice Kind Candor. For the purposes of this space, that includes no snark or sarcasm, no punching down.

*We call this space a ‘safe-ish’ space for a reason. We deal daily with topics that are activating and challenging. It is your responsibility to be able to hold on to yourself, to hold your own hand, so that you can co-create this safe-ish space with your fellow walkers. Our topics are not always safe or easy; it is imperative that each of us is as safe for each other as possible, as Pádraig Ó Tuama says, to ‘be a place where [our] feet can stand’. That means being here, seen and available, and reliable. This means holding fictive imagination for each other. That means reminding just who it is you are talking to. This means remembering Hesed.

*We are extremely careful about the materials we present to you, and outside resources are assumed to have been vetted by us.  Therefore, sharing any resources (by link, meme or by recommending certain reading) in the public community space is prohibited.  We do recognize that there are a lot of good resources out there and we too are reading some of the same authors and articles that you all are reading.  This is not to say that we reject all outside resources, but we do require that any resources you wish to present be shared with the admin team via messenger. 

IF YOU THINK YOU HAVE AN EXCELLENT RESOURCE THAT MUST BE SHARED, TRY SITTING WITH IT FOR 6-9 MONTHS BEFORE YOU MESSAGE US.  That may sound like a long time, but many of us walk into this space thinking we already know so much and have so much to offer; and you have. However, the great majority of what is offered are resources we feel are not in alignment with the LoR mission or ethos. That discernment–is it right for the space that we are curating here?–can only be discerned by those who have been here for awhile and have internalized said ethos and mission.

After you’ve walked here for 6-9 months, see if you still think that resource is necessary.  A lot of times you will find that particular piece spoke to you at the place you were at in your life, but it is not quite so earth shattering anymore as you have grown.  The admin team wishes to be available via messenger as necessary and in particular, to intervene if this space is being made un-safe.  But the LoR messenger inbox is regularly overflowing with recommended resources which can detract from other necessary work. 

As well, we deeply care about pacing and timing; some resources are indeed good, but we as a group are not ready for them yet. (Strong hint: if everyone read and engaged with the pinned posts, particularly the Relational Ethics series, we would be ready that much faster.)

*No deleting. As much as we can, we try to make this space as much like a conversation as possible. That means owning your words much like you would if you were speaking them out loud. As well, no material editing that would change the meaning or intention of your posts. Editing for spelling, grammar or style is fine. If you find you want to make a correction, you can amend under the post or inside the post with a clear disclosure. The original words still stand. As well, deleting is a violent erasing of other’s words in entire subthreads. We assume that if you have the capacity, volition, and agency to offer commentary or responses in the first place, then you will remember those virtues as you learn, more and more, to take responsibility for your words. 

*No shaming, no humiliation. This is not tone policing. This is about making a space you and your fellow community members (including Lace herself) are not just willing, but eager to come to and engage with. We can talk about anything, but not any old way. Remember who you are talking to–fellow walkers who deserve your absolute best.

*As much as possible, we do our work in public. Toward that end we kindly discourage PM’s that attempt to ‘take it outside’ and do an ancillary discussion. We have found this to often be an attempt to avoid accountability. Moreover,  it damages community cohesion. We should all know the same thing in the same amount at the same time. When we do get PM’s that query or comment, and the admins feel that it is more appropriate on the OP, we will request that you restate your comment or query there. As well, we ask that you keep side conversations to a absolute minimum. We know it is a real temptation when you have friends you either know from other places, or friends you have made here, and that’s great! But having parallel conversations on posts deprives the rest of the community.

As well, we have found that people often use the private message feature to, essentially, glean a consult from either Lace or Admin team. If we feel that this is the case, we will make the covert overt and confront it kindly and squarely with the requestor. This is part of Lace’s liberation as a Black woman. It is also a regression from our ethos to treat everyone in this space fairly and eye to eye. 

*We hope we never have to use this guideline. We know that, when confronting difficult topics, one can get activated, and conflict can arise with community members. This is exactly the time to put the skills you are learning to good use. If you need to, admin staff and/or our leadership team will walk with you. This community hinges on cohesion and unity; we are walking together. What is imperative is the commitment to hang in. It is crucial to the community that you are and remain a resilient and reliable presence in the community, and it is also important to your own individual and personal praxis. One thing that we are learning here is that learning how to internalize and apply Relational Ethics principles are important both to this space as well as to your outside lives. They must be practiced. We have rarely blocked community members, though we do reserve the right to do so for the safety of the community and the health of this space.

*Lastly, we consider financial engagement crucial, both for the health and sustainability of this space, but for your personal practice as well. Honoring the work of women of color, both of me and of the contributors we bring to you–as well as taking this ethic to other women of color who also write and agitate,  means making this commitment a non-negotiable part of your walk. 

It means ensuring the viability of this space, as well as for the community partners we support–and it encourages your congruence regarding this practice in your outside lives as well. As well, we are different regarding financial engagement in this regard: we overtly ask and expect all who walk here to engage, *regardless of how they identify racially and or ethnically*. 

We walk with parity and mutuality here; no exceptions or carveouts.

We are committed to this being a ‘free-ish’ space. This means no paywall; all are encouraged to enter and co-create community. This is a very large risk for us. It means that those for whom this space has value also have a concomitant responsibility to seriously consider and then act upon a conviction to financially engage.

We love this space. So much. And we love each footstep of our fellow walkers. We are convinced that these guidelines are in alignment with our values, and will buttress our ethos and shared commitment to the work.

Keep walking.

265 responses to “Lace On Race Guidelines”

  1. Lace Watkins Avatar
    Lace Watkins

    As well, I should also mention that I will be speaking at the pastors and leaders convention at anabaptist Mennonite biblical Seminary next month. My main focus will be talking about how diversity and inclusion is insufficient for a sustained and comprehensive racial Justice leadership practice within Administration academics and Parish pastorship. This is my third time speaking at pastors and leaders and it is always a pleasure, particularly now since I am also part of the board of African-American Mennonite leaders for Mennonite mission network. Since I’ve been doing a lot of things outside of online spaces, sometimes my attention has been turned away, but like I said, I plan on correcting that. In any case, you are welcome to attend that conference it is open to all both lay and ordained Ministry. You will need to register and there is a cost. I will be presenting both days of the conference.

  2. Lace Watkins Avatar
    Lace Watkins

    Good evening, Ms. Sanders. No, the website is not defunct. Most of our activity has been and continues to be both in the takeout window (the takeout page) as well as in our Cafe, which is limited to registered users. The guidelines posted here are still extant, and I use this page to refer people to so they can better know expectations.

    A quiet observation: you seem to be making both an assumption, and, in naming people, something of an indictment. It seems that you have a point to make that perhaps you need to be more explicit about. You named them, so they concerned you.

    As well, you note, correctly, that, while we serve all identities, offline and off, that we educate mostly people who identify as white. This space exists to facilitate our North Star, and seen in that vein, dominant culture people are the ones who need the part of our instruction about being less racially violent. The other elements, like cross racial friendship and relational ethics and rooting and weeding out white supremacy are for everyone.

    At the end of the day, I engage with and invite into community those who are placed in front of me, whether it be in any of our online platforms, as well as offline in small groups, as well as with orgs. If you’re in the San Diego area, look for the Elder Circle, where we women of a certain age interact and love on and mentor younger women. There are also other places where I am speaking and presenting in the near future–which is one reason I have given something of a short shrift to the formal website. One of my resolutions for the new year is to correct that.

    In any case, I hope you can pay attention to the body of work we have created, as much as you seem to focus on your two points above. This is the Introduction month, where, if you continue to follow (and register, because that is where you will see newer content) you will see the series where we detail who I am as a person, what we do our best to live out as a community, my lifelong character formation, and a revised guidelines. I trust you contacted me in right spirit and right motivation. I choose to believe that this is the case. As I often say, if you are choosing to walk with this community we have co created, nothing I say here, and nothing you have seen will deter you. If, as a small nagging part of me feels might be the case, if you are here for other purposes, nothing I have said here will persuade you. The space is here. You will partake as you will. My best to you. Lace

  3. Ms. Sanders Avatar
    Ms. Sanders

    Hi Lace,
    I have spent the last many months contemplating and outreaching. Searching the archives, even on the “takeout window” on Facebook. Even though this website seems unfortunately defunct, it really is my only means of reaching out. Do hope that you see this message.

    I have seen the history now. The Christian Left. Jerbear. Jim and Kate. Holly. Ruth. Daniel. Jenna. So many more who left after being initial followers. Black women like Ingrid. Women of color like Radtha.

    Although you are left solely with white women, I think that your Hesed heart leads the way. God Bless.

  4. Maria English Avatar
    Maria English

    Re-read these guidelines today and continue to affirm/agree.

  5. Lace Watkins Avatar
    Lace Watkins

    To all: see the above conversation above. There was *quite* the turn. I will be talking about the lessons to be gleaned in both the Bistro and in Chef’s Table. If you have not yet registered, please do so!

  6. Lace Watkins Avatar
    Lace Watkins

    As well, this. There are literally millions of spaces, online and off in the racial Justice space. My favorite hope is that you find one that doesn’t need resonate with you, give them your utmost and move the needle. I don’t care where you moved in at all, for one of them, so long as you actually do. I’m going to speak to this in my larger response as well, you’re right, in The Limited definition of accountability you’re using, you’re not accountable to me.

    However: I spoke to you both times in our earlier exchanges and for me that Hesed holds.

    As is evident, you have rescinded yours, and you insist it was for good reason; reasons upon which you won’t elucidate, but surely the reason is that you refuse to expand upon are unassailable.

    That’s not how I roll. Again, you will do what you do, I can’t change that. So we can pivot. For those of you who are reading in, I’m going to like my longer response soon. I’m also going to be doing another video that speaks to the larger points, it will be in the takeout window as well, which is the Facebook page on list on race and so I will be giving a passing blast to Scanlon here in this response and also in the takeout window I will be going a bit deeper into Scanlon and the notion of blame, proportionality, and justification, and what intellectual and moral rigor is demanded of us when we decide to apportion land, the absence of which is indeed intellectual and moral laziness, we’ll be talking about it more in the bistro and the lace on Race cafe; feel free to register! As well, will be taking an even deeper dive in Chef’s Table. If anything super exciting bubbles up in Chef’s table, we can and often do share highlights of the conversations at the cafe and in Chef’s table. This is the work y’all. It’s important. I will not shirk from you, Veronica. And I absolutely will not shirk from this work, regardless of your lack of esteem for it.

    When my ideas for fomenting in my head, and when I acknowledged what I considered to be a call to do this work to my absolute utmost, one consideration that was never entertained was whether or not I do this work based upon what others think of me, either personally or professionally. Yes, I do hope that what you are reading both on the website and in the takeout window, and when you register what you find in the bistro will be profitable to you and for you, for the express purpose of living out north star values, but that is not the reason I do this work. I am assuming that Veronica is a real person, and even though she removed her picture I’m assuming that she is black. And she will be contemptuous and derisive of this next comment, like those by whom she has chosen to be influenced, but I also do it for Veronica. Whether or not she will say it of me, this veronica, whether real or an avatar, whether actual or metaphorical, is my sister. She said she does not own me anything, this is where I’ve Veronica and I differ. I owe her much. And I owe much to her. Note the two very different sentences. I will abide by both.

    Hesed holds. For Veronica, and also and especially, to those reading and observing.

    There is a five-year body of work where you can discern on your own, however, if you resonate with Veronica Whose actions are based upon her resonance with a certain cohort of people, I can say unequivocally that the space is not for you. I will say to whoever is reading the same thing I said to veronica, and that is, that this is not an excuse not to do good work. We’re not in relationship yet; I hope we will be so in that limited sense Veronica is right. But again, this cannot be an excuse or a carve out for either Veronica nor you all to abandon the work itself. That in itself would be morally and ethically suspect, and what do nothing whatsoever to serve the people that, I am assuming if you are here, you stand with and for. As for me, I had the same core values and ethos, as well as the same basic philosophical and sociological positions for the last 35 years; long before I founded this space.

    I will continue to expand and to refine both my thesis and my methodology until my last breath.

    And, whether or not Veronica and her compatriots feel that I do, I will continue to do my very best to live it out in ways that are credulous and replicable.

    I have learned most of what I know about applied relational ethics from people I trust in and respect. And I hope you’ll give me more than 72 hours to decide if I am worthy of being that person to and for and with you.

    If not, there’s always Veronica and her compatriots.

    More later. What I will do it should be sure to link the video that she’s referencing where I used the word lazy. That context is important.

  7. Lace Watkins Avatar
    Lace Watkins

    To Ms. Veronica Sanders (and to those reading):

    I am again approving your last comment to me because integrity and congruence demands it of us both.

    When I get to a larger laptop I’ll write my actual response.

    I don’t expect you Veronica to respond back, if you do, I’ll continue to engage.

    Not as an apologia, nor even as an explanation, but to speak to the wider points that this Exchange demands.

    I will say for now that I think it’s notable that you took your picture and your first name off shortly after my video. I will not extrapolate about what that means, because I think that there is already an abundance of extrapolating going on in this exchange, and I will not contribute to it.

    But behavior and choices were made, and behavior and choices were noticed.

  8. Ms. Sanders Avatar
    Ms. Sanders

    Hello Lace,

    I suppose you could call me lazy as you have. I was hasty with my fervor and endorsement. Black led spaces I tend to get excited about. I will learn from this and course correct as you have said.

    I won’t be disclosing the information that I was presented, only that it was plentiful and convincing. Will respect the wishes of those who requested not to be named and the information not to be shared because it would identify them.

    “Do better” seemed to irk you. I will take my own advice but have no need to follow up with you further and in no way accountable to you, Lace.

    Take care.

  9. Lace Watkins Avatar
    Lace Watkins

    I’m allowing this email thread to stand because even though the outcome was in favorable to me, Integrity demands that everyone see this. MS sanders, I cannot and will not attempt to change your mind based upon what you heard in the last 48 hours that prompted you to tell me to do better. I will speak to my disappointment that you chose not to speak to me before you made a final conclusion rather than to take at face value what has been said about me and this org to you. If you’d like to speak to me about it, we can. I am saddened, but not surprised. They’ve been doing what they’re doing for 18 months. I wish you well. Hesed holds. Regards, Lace

  10. Veronica Sanders Avatar
    Veronica Sanders

    Sorry Lace. This is not the place for me. I have leaned alot in the last 48 hours. Please do better.

  11. Veronica Sanders Avatar
    Veronica Sanders

    Thank you, Lace! What you say resonates inside me.

    Would like to make a call to my fellow Black walkers. Please answer. What can we all co-create together? To support and sustain us. Finding myself needing a “for us by us.” Appreciate our allies/accomplices but I truly need a core community who have a similar lived experience.

  12. Lace Watkins Avatar
    Lace Watkins

    Hello sweet Veronica!

    You warmed my heart with your message. I’d like to talk to you about it more, but I will give you a preview of what I want to talk about. I sincerely appreciate both your heart and your commitment. And I appreciate your wanting to take the time to form a group to support me. I wonder how necessary that is though. In almost 5 years of doing this, and particularly in the last 18 months for you have seen people who have been less than kind, but that has affected me but has not slowed my walk, I have thought about what people might do to support me. I don’t think we need another group necessarily, which is why I am discouraging this initiative, as wonderful as it is, to the point of prohibition. The way to support me best is to stand with me in the space already created. Become a part of the bistro! Comment on all the posts! Engage financially to ensure the health and the sustainability of this space! There are so many different ways to become the woman I feel you already are within the parameters already created. I look forward to talking to you still more and I cannot wait to get to know you still better! With absolute Hesed heart, your Lace

  13. Veronica Sanders Avatar
    Veronica Sanders

    Hiya Lace and beloved members. As a new follower, I have been gradually making my way through the guidelines. Please bare with me. What has bothered me has been the relentless online attacks of a racial justice space led by a Black woman who is only challenging the pervasive racism encountered daily.

    Today was the final straw. I didn’t want my initial contact to be this but here I am. New. Standing. Relentless. Reliable.

    I am forming a group – The Lace Appreciation Society to counter these harmful cult accusations. My goal is to get those who say they are committed to truly demonstrate this commitment.

    In Hesed,


  14. Joanne McAfee Avatar
    Joanne McAfee

    I agree to walk within the guidance you’ve laid out and am truly excited to discover this page. I have been involved with Be the Bridge for 3 years but wanted a structure that is more inclusive to borrow topics from as I participate in, and sometimes co-lead discussion groups concerning racism. I look forward to being challenged here. I will always be a student on this topic.

  15. Rayellen Kishbach Avatar
    Rayellen Kishbach

    This was such a good read. I felt myself wincing several times, and am grateful to feel where the edge of my growth and learning is.

  16. Andrea Avatar

    I have read through these guidelines and will abide by them. I found your page from a post that was shared and am just now reading the guidelines as I did not understand the extent of your page, so I apologize for being one of those who had just given reactions to posts.

  17. Kelly Watson Avatar

    Agreed and the reminder was well needed.

  18. Nicole Larson Avatar
    Nicole Larson

    Agreed and committed to. Thank you for putting these in easy-to-find places here and on Facebook. I hope my connections will examine the page and commit to the Guidelines before responding in the future.

  19. Julia Tayler Avatar
    Julia Tayler

    Reread and still working through the pinned posts. It is valuable for me to circle back here frequently.

  20. Clare Steward Avatar
    Clare Steward

    Cross posted

    Reviewing the guidelines from time to time is extremely beneficial. Guideline 1, we are not an entertainment space spoke to me differently this time around. I’m leaning in on not limiting myself to engaging in posts & discussions that I find “easy”. There are certain topics and posts I hesitate to do deep work in because it’s difficult… there’s a clench there… and so I may move on to another post that takes less effort for me to find the words while telling myself I’ll come back to the other one. Sometimes I do come back after time to really examine my thoughts and sometimes I don’t. When I don’t, it’s no better than scrolling and rolling and I’m out of alignment and avoiding conflict. I’m committed to confronting this behavior and course correcting.

  21. Rebecca Behar Avatar
    Rebecca Behar

    I have read these guidelines through a few times, trying to keep them in mind as I interact here. I am still working my way through the pinned posts and videos. This way of being, in relationship to myself and others is more than helpful. It seems essential, if I am to grow into a human who lives this praxis.

  22. Clare Steward Avatar
    Clare Steward

    Hi Jeanne. Your comment says that you mostly understand the guidelines. Are there specific elements that do not make sense to you? What about “giving up” the like button will be challenging for you?

  23. Jeanne Forsberg Avatar
    Jeanne Forsberg

    Read and mostly understood. Thanks for the instructions on bookmarks. Have started a LoR file. It’s going to be hard to give up clicking the “like” button! But I will

  24. Ashley Farren Avatar
    Ashley Farren

    I have read through these guidelines, and I’m sure I will be coming back to reread them again. Thank you for clear and thorough guidelines. I will do my best to follow them.

  25. Eileen Moynihan Avatar
    Eileen Moynihan

    Read and Confirmed. Thank you.

  26. Kelsi Watters Avatar
    Kelsi Watters

    I am reworking my way through all of the pinned posts. It is really helpful to read through the guidelines again and reaffirm my commitment.

  27. Nicole Larson Avatar
    Nicole Larson

    Affirmed and agreed. I am working through the guidelines individually, 2+ at a time, also.

  28. Julia Tayler Avatar
    Julia Tayler

    Re-read and making sure I commented on all the individual guidelines.

  29. Shannon Avatar

    Read, understood, appreciated.

  30. Kerri Avatar

    Hi Clare! I think I didn’t tick the ‘notify me’ box when I posted this, so I’ve just stumbled onto your reply to my comment. Apologies. I’m sitting on one of the other posts just now, mulling it over in my head before I comment, so I thought I’d do something ‘easy’ like review things I’d already posted on- lol. Clare, I jumped out of the car in November. I’m glad you stayed in the car when it has got tough, because I wish I had. At the time, I told myself that I was “holding my slosh” because I was triggered and emotional and thought I could work it out on my own in a few days, and return without anyone noticing. But once I’d ducked out, it was hard to get back in, because I felt shame in admitting that I was just like so many of my white, harmful peers that I imagined myself superior to! So, I’ve got to learn to ‘lean in’ properly, personally. Thank you for commenting on my post.

  31. Ashley Alden Avatar
    Ashley Alden

    Read, and re-read these guidelines. I can already see multiple mistakes I have made interacting with the facebook material. I am here to do better both in the cafe as well as the facebook space.

    I have set aside time each morning to work through the guidelines individually via the videos Lace has recorded for us.

  32. Vanessa Chardos Avatar
    Vanessa Chardos

    Guidelines read and making my way through the videos. Double knotting my walking shoes 🙂

  33. Melissa Dreier Avatar
    Melissa Dreier

    Completed my first step in being a part of this space.

  34. Dalina Avatar

    Making the commitment to walking with you.

  35. Michele Wicks Cypher Avatar
    Michele Wicks Cypher

    I love this even more than the first time I read it. I love moving the Not entertainment to the first guideline. I love some of the additions/changes made. Like, waiting 6-9 months before asking about including an outside resource. It reminds me of when I was in training for a new position for a networking organization and the founder said how he knew we had great ideas to bring to the table, but to wait until we had been in the role at least 6 months before bringing them. Chances are, the idea isn’t actually new and/or we find the idea doesn’t fit with the ethos of the organization. Makes so much sense and I love that addition to the guideline.

  36. Leah Gallo Avatar
    Leah Gallo

    I just re-read my first comment in this space and am remembering that Laura was the first person to walk with me. The exchange is making me smile both for how much I have grown and learned to lessen and mitigate harm (all the while understanding I have so much more work to do) but also to appreciate Laura’s relentless, robust reliability too…so, not quite six months later, thank you again, Laura Berwick.

  37. Emily M Holzknecht Avatar
    Emily M Holzknecht

    Facebook sure does suppress engagement with the LOR posts. I specifically turn on notifications for each post and I get no notifications at all on that post unless someone tags me. So I go and search for the new comments on threads. I am noticing that I get a lot more notifications from the website when I subscribe to comments on a post.

  38. Emily M Holzknecht Avatar
    Emily M Holzknecht

    What you said about sarcasm here reminds me of an experience I had with sarcasm once. I was talking to a friend who works hard to communicate in healthy ways with other people. Because she approaches communication differently than many people I am used to communicating with, I tend to communicate in healthier ways around here too. One time towards the end of our time together, I made a sarcastic comment about someone who wasn’t there. I was feeling mean and I was inviting my friend to support my mean behavior. Instead she sounded, exhaling the toxic energy I was offering her from her body. I didn’t feel betrayed by her in that moment. I felt like I was called in without her using any words at all. It’s a couple years later and I still think about that moment a lot, reflecting on myself as a bad actor in that moment and how that fits in with how I relate to others in my world.

  39. Robin Avatar

    Read and affirmed. I am committing to reading through the pinned posts and commenting.

  40. Deanna Avatar

    I have read and do affirm my commitment to the guidelines. Specifically this means I reaffirm my commitment to read through all the pinned post in a timely manner and comment with a paragraph right after reading it, then find two other walkers to respond to.

  41. Julie Helwege Avatar
    Julie Helwege

    Read and affirmed. I am looking forward to deepening my walking in this space. I know a lot of thought went into these guidelines and the daily walking we do. Thank you.

  42. Jessie Avatar

    I have read the updated guidelines and affirm that I will revisit them as often as needed to internalize them and follow them reliably.
    As I reboot my commitment to reliable and resilient walking, areas I am particularly focusing on are:
    -taking the extra steps needed, given that facebook suppresses, to respond to community members who have engaged with me. Not relying on facebook notifications to prompt me to respond.
    -checking and engaging with the website as regularly as I engage with the facebook page
    -not limiting myself to the posts and engagement I find easy (or easier, at least, than the other choices). Interrogating why I’m gravitating toward certain posts and resisting going deeper, and course correcting from there.
    Thank you for the time and thought that I know has gone into creating and updating these guidelines. They are like a code of conduct to which we must hold ourselves if we are to be the kind of community we say we want to be.

  43. Rhonda Eldridge Avatar
    Rhonda Eldridge

    Susan, I have definitely found myself holding back and now I realize not only do I want to mitigate the harm that I do to black and brown people, I would also like to do that while looking smart and confident and like I know what I am doing. I don’t. Not really. I am learning to be uncomfortable most of the time and engage anyway because I believe it is the only way I am going to have any chance of mitigating the harm that I do to brown and black people.

  44. Rhonda Eldridge Avatar
    Rhonda Eldridge

    Abby, when I first read these six months ago, I was in the same place. Trying to memorize what I wasn’t supposed to do. Responding to your message is one of the ways I am practicing changing to what I want to practice – engagement with at least two other people who are posting. Can you help me understand if the transformation you are referring to in this post is the change to focusing on the North Star of mitigating the harm that is done to black and brown people by white people – including us? I am wanting to understand more clearly what your current transformation is. Thanks for considering.

  45. Bronwyn Hogan Avatar
    Bronwyn Hogan

    This discussion has hit squarely on me. I have used this “fear of being wrong”/”perfectionism” excuse my whole life to avoid starting on things that I might not be good at right away. 10,000 hours of reading things others have written about how one should do things to lessen and mitigation the harm to black and brown women by white supremacy – including mine – is NOT the same as 10,000 hours of actual PRACTICE of ways that Lace and her team are teaching and telling us will (perhaps – if we practice and develop the muscle memory and implement) enable us to lessen that harm. I commit to doing more than just reading and contributing financially (though I will continue to contribute financially as well.)

  46. Nicole Riggs Avatar
    Nicole Riggs

    Reread the guidelines, looking forward to going back and doing the work. I have a lot of material to get to and commit to doing the work daily to catch up. And committing to financial support for your labor.

  47. Chris Wojdak Avatar
    Chris Wojdak

    I need the practice space. It is becoming so apparent to me that I cannot keep all of these muscles well-developed if I am not exercising them regularly in a space where people can check my form.

  48. Chris Avatar

    Welp. This is a timely moment for me to revisit these, as I have once again shown myself I have plenty of work to do. I’m committed to honoring these guidelines, and to doing the work on myself to make sure I am practicing restraint as I grow.

  49. Lacey Lipe Avatar
    Lacey Lipe

    Reaffirming my commitment to the guidelines.
    I love the new colors and the bullet points.
    I’m a slow reader and I read through much more easily.
    I also like the detailed explanations. Although by now I know what most of the specialized language means, I struggled when I first got here because I didn’t have the first clue what people were saying.
    I’ve seen others in the midst of a meltdown (albeit, the meltdown was triggered by something else altogether) say things like, “I didn’t know what you meant by reacts.”
    I also like the additional clarification on outside resources, something which happens often (people discussing books or articles or dropping links- something else I did early on, so guilty there as well).
    You guys must get an overwhelming number of messages… yikes! But so grateful to all of you (as well as to my fellow walkers/cohorts) for doing this work!

  50. Lacey Lipe Avatar
    Lacey Lipe

    Hi Jen,
    Nice to meet you.
    I can really relate to your struggles with time commitments.
    I’m behind right now and catching up on the videos/pinned posts.
    But I know that who I am in this space is who I am in every community… And until I am aware of how I am perpetuating harm to Black and brown people so that I might find and put into practice ways to lessen and mitigate it, I’m inadvertently doing harm.
    There are days when I feel a little overly confident that I’m “on the right track” and a newer walker will call me on something…
    It’s a constant process of painful and necessary growth.
    I hope you will be able to continue devoting the time to the crucial work in this space.
    Keep walking.

  51. Abby J Avatar
    Abby J

    In rereading the updated guidelines I have found myself with a change in thinking from my initial reading with the mindset of “what am I not supposed to do” to now having a mindset of reaffirming to myself my commitment to lessening and mitigating the harm endured by black and brown people perpetuated by white people, including myself. This shows me how transformative the engagement in the LoR space is.

  52. Christina Sonas Avatar
    Christina Sonas

    In addition to the conditioning of repetition, I find another benefit in restating what seems obvious. We are all walking the same journey, and we are almost all white women – but we still bring a lot of variety to the effort. How I restate will not be the same as how another restates. In this way we create mutual growth through a new word or phrase, a nuance, a metaphor, or an experience we share. I’m almost at six months too!

  53. Christina Sonas Avatar
    Christina Sonas

    I have read the revised guidelines and am ready to do the daily dive on FB into individual aspects. When we were new parents more than two decades ago, my partner and I put into practice a strategy very much like what is presented here. We trained ourselves to avoid restraining the child with a “no”, and instead to offer guidance and practice in the appropriate behavior. I can see that in me in my antiracism work: I may know what not to do, but if I don’t know what to do, I’m left with a null space that generally leads to me avoiding the circumstance, if I don’t just throw up my hands and keep doing what shouldn’t be done. These prescriptive guidelines do the job of training, and not simply avoidance, toward the goal of reducing white harm to black and brown people.

  54. Rhonda Eldridge Avatar
    Rhonda Eldridge

    Dear Danielle,
    I am grateful for your response. First for your encouragement to keep working on engaging with other community members. I set a goal for myself in the first six months to engage every day – at a minimum reading, with the primary goal being to follow the guidelines of responding to two people and posting something of my own. I didn’t keep statistics, but I am giving myself a ‘B’ overall. I think I will narrow my goal to engage every day, with the secondary goal of engaging with two community members every day.

    Secondarily, I wish posts like this could carry tone. I have a lightbulb over my head right now. I am used to being in spaces where it is not encouraged to repeat. I had no idea that it was ‘ok’ for me to repeat what someone else says as long as I am following all the other guidelines. I think I get it now! I will work on that muscle memory now.

    Lastly, I think I have to accept the discomfort that keeping my focus on the North Star with the intention of mitigating the harm I do to black and brown people does not mean that there will not be impact. Not engaging definitely has impact and does not mitigate the harm I do cause black and brown people.

    Bottom line: engage.

  55. Danielle Joy Holcombe Avatar
    Danielle Joy Holcombe

    Hi Rhonda,
    I too struggle at times to respond to other community members. It’s tough I think in part because even though we are a community of many, we are actually a lot of individuals sharing some common goals. And the reason (or part of the reason) that it’s hard is also an important reason to do it. Community is what we are building here. Relationship and seeing eye to eye. So we will necessarily need to talk to one another.

    And when it comes to not having anything to add, I’d like to ask you to think about this differently. A part of this work includes building muscle memory. And so we practice over and over, finding ourselves in the violent habits of white supremacy, pivoting to race, not distancing ourselves from harmful behavior but identifying it in order to root it out of our lives. So even if the words you want to say have already been said, say your words anyway. This will help you build muscle memory. And because we each have our own manner of speaking, you never know when your words will be ones that help another see something in a new way. Even if that same idea had already been said, your words may be the words that pierce another’s heart.

    Lastly, I think it’s key to always remember why we are here. We aren’t here to learn or to educate others. We are here to lessen and mitigate the harm endured by Black and brown people, perpetuated by white people. So I wonder if redirecting your focus to the North Star will help you as you work out your participation in the community?

  56. Lee Avatar

    Thank you for these updated guidelines. I think these are much clearer now. I agree to follow them. I think the biggest thing for me is to interact more with fellow walkers and I am still methodically working through the pinned posts.

  57. Julia Avatar

    Read updated guidelines. Committed to going through all the pinned posts again and catching up.

  58. Shara Avatar

    I’ve re-read the guidelines and am committed to following them, and to our North Star, lessening and mitigating harm to Black and Brown people perpetuated by white people including me.

  59. Rhonda Eldridge Avatar
    Rhonda Eldridge

    Good morning. I have been here approximately 6 months. Early November will be my sixth month of contribution. I have read the guidelines, the pinned posts, and the every post on the website. I write that as an observation, not to state that I have absorbed all of them by any means. In the video today, you invited questions, and responses. So, here are mine. I am appreciating the opportunity to let it sink in. I am finding myself reading a post, letting it sink in for a day, reading some comments, and then having something to say. I am often finding it easy to respond to one person, but in 6 months, I have rarely responded to two on the same post. Am I misunderstanding the guideline? Lastly, there have been some ‘required’ posts that I haven’t responded to because I nodded my head and could see what other people were saying and it all made sense, but I did not want to do a ‘react’ and I didn’t really have anything to add. So, I am committed, walking, feeling a bit behind sometimes, willing to be with that discomfort, and hoping this note doesn’t add to the ways I cause harm to brown and black people.

  60. Leah Gallo Avatar
    Leah Gallo

    I have re-read the guidelines and appreciate the updates (including the new colors)! I find new meaning in them each time. I recommit to following these guidelines and to engaging in this space with the intent of following our North Star.

  61. Emily Holzknecht Avatar
    Emily Holzknecht

    Thank you for the guidelines. I gave read them and can see areas where I will be writing to improve my commitment to the community.

  62. Jen Crane Avatar
    Jen Crane

    Reaffirming my commitment to the guidelines. I have a lot of work to do walking reliably and consistently in this space, especially as I apply my commitment to the north star in other spaces (which has come with MUCH more of a time commitment that I expected!).

  63. Danielle Joy Holcombe Avatar
    Danielle Joy Holcombe

    I love that these guidelines are about how we relate to one another and not merely a list of do’s and don’t’s. My preferred and comfortable method of relating to others is transactional. I like to be able to cross things off lists. But people aren’t “things” to be crossed off a list, and I no longer wish to prioritize my own comfort.

    I am committed to lessening and mitigating the harm endured by Black and Brown people, perpetuated by white people, including me. I am committed to continuing that work in both this space and in my offline life ~ and excited to see the ways that Lace’s teaching on relational ethics has been life & relationship changing already.

  64. clare steward Avatar
    clare steward

    I agree that some of the posts can be uncomfortable and there have been 1 or 2 times I really struggled with moving beyond my knee jerk emotional reaction to really sit with the information, identify myself in what was being discussed and refocusing back to the North Star…..I almost jumped out of the car as it was rolling down the highway full speed. I am so glad I did not and trusted Lace and staff in the ethos they are cultivating for this space. The most difficult concepts to embrace or identify myself in are the ones that I need to lean in to the most.

  65. Clare Steward Avatar
    Clare Steward

    Read the updated guidelines and I am reaffirming my commitment to lessening and mitigating the harm endured by Black and Brown people as perpetuated by white people, like me. I am also looking forward to revisiting the pinned posts. I am excited to see how my perspective has changed since I first began walking here a short 5 months ago. I look forward to reading and engaging with the new comments from fellow walkers as well!

  66. Zahira Cassandra Avatar
    Zahira Cassandra

    Read, understood, honoring. Thank you.

  67. Lee Carney Avatar
    Lee Carney

    Hi Danielle,
    I’m working through pinned posts on Facebook, I know there’s more on the website after Ive finished but I’ve not got that far yet.

  68. Danielle Joy Holcombe Avatar
    Danielle Joy Holcombe

    Exactly. It’s not either/or. It’s both/and. You can work your way through the pinned posts AND engage on those and other posts as you go. Reading the guidelines is the best start but after that, engaging on posts is important. It’s true that there are things you will learn (tools for your toolbelt) in the pinned posts, and so if you haven’t been through them all (but honestly, even if you have) you might find that you still let the slosh from your own bucket spill onto others (you may or may not understand that reference yet). But this community is here to lessen and mitigate the harm to Black and Brown people, perpetuated by white people – including me. So when one of us causes harm to another or uses a habit of white supremacy, we will confront it together. So, defenses down and lets start walking together. Are you mainly on the website posts or are you in the Facebook space as well?

    P.S all your comments were successful. It’s just that they were pending approval by an admin.

  69. Lee Carney Avatar
    Lee Carney

    Hi Danielle,
    I don’t seem to be having much luck with my response, this is my 3rd attempt.
    My notifications have been going to junk so only just picking up your message now, I’m sorry.
    Yes, I appreciate and accept that it’s just as inappropriate to not engage with the discussions as it is not to work through the pinned posts.
    My apologies.

  70. Lee Carney Avatar
    Lee Carney

    Hi Danielle
    I’m so sorry, my notifications were going to trash. I only just saw your response.
    I watched a video of Lace talking about kind candor and mentioning things being in the pinned posts. I suppose I felt that’s where I should start but yes, I understand that not engaging with the discussion is just as inappropriate as not engaging with the pinned posts.
    My apologies.

  71. Lee Avatar

    Hi Danielle,
    Sorry for my delayed response, my notifications have been going into the trash.
    I had saw a video of Lace talking about kind candor and referring people back to the pinned posts in the group so I th0ught that I should get through those first before I jump into the discussions.
    My apologies.

  72. Kerri Fowlie Avatar
    Kerri Fowlie

    Oh my goodness! I thought I would prefer back to the guidelines to make sure I was following them, not realising I had not left a comment all those months ago, when I started. Here’s me, correcting that now.

    In these last few months of being in this safe-ish space, I have witnessed what Lace calls “kind candor” but am only just learning how to use this to gently challenge another person. I recognise this as such a valuable personal skill that can be applied in pretty much every arena of my life to its betterment. In fact, I think I’ve learned more about personal growth in this space than I’ve learned in CBT and counselling. But this is just serendipitous, because the purpose here is to lessen and mitigate the harm endured by Black and Brown people perpetuated by white people, including me. Lace has shown me how I can start to achieve this goal in deep, personal ways by dismantling my own internalized racism, as well as practically, in real time, for direct benefit to Black and Brown communities.

    The guidelines for engagement here are so vital to its success because the type of deep personal reflection we carry out in this space makes us vulnerable. It’s often an uncomfortable space for white people, but we need to remember not to make it dangerous for anyone- certainly not the same Black and Brown people we’re trying to walk alongside.

    Thank you, Lace and team for crafting these thoughtful guidelines; they create the foundations upon which we learn.

  73. Danielle Joy Holcombe Avatar
    Danielle Joy Holcombe

    Hi Lee,
    I’m glad you are going to be working your way through the pinned posts. I hope you will reconsider being “purposely” quiet though – and perhaps reread the section of the guidelines that talks about engagement. Very many white people have never had the opportunity to be under the leadership of a black woman, but here we certainly are. Lace asks people to engage for a reason and whether or not you can yet understand the reason, it is inappropriate to decide your own terms for engagement in a space where expectations around engagement have already been laid out for you.

  74. Lee Avatar

    Hello there, thank you for allowing me into your space.
    I always thought of myself as a non racist. With the death of George Floyd I made a comment where I confused the end of slavery with the end of segregation. Of course, I needed to brush up on my history.
    During this period I came accross the racism triangle and saw that colourblindness was in there. I was embarrassed that I could be racist without knowing and harming those I care about. I’ve learning to do.
    I acknowledge the guidelines and I’ll circle back to them, there’s a lot in there to remember. I’m also going to commit to the pinned posts so I’ll purposely be quiet whilst I work my way through them. I respect the effort that’s been put into them and I thank you for this.

  75. Jaime Avatar

    I am returning after several months to re-read and re-commit to these guidelines. Bronwyn, I connected with what you said about telling myself that I will engage fully when I have more time and energy – but for me, I know that time will never really come, and I only have this time, now, to fully engage in work to reduce the harm I perpetuate against others.

  76. Carrie Cavanaugh Avatar
    Carrie Cavanaugh

    I know I’ve read this post, but I don’t think I’ve ever commented on it. I apologize. This is a good reminder on how to be. Being a part of this page has influenced how I interact with others on the rest of the internet as well as how I view information from it.

  77. Susan Schaefer Avatar
    Susan Schaefer

    I have read the guidelines, though I am sure I will be back and rereading. I have been very wary of commenting in black/brown spaces, because I have so much to learn and want to be respectful. In look forward to reading the posts and becoming a member of the community. It won’t be easy, but most things that are truly worthwhile aren’t.

  78. Lacey Lipe Avatar
    Lacey Lipe

    Welcome, Aura. We are glad to have you here walking with us in this community.
    Following Black voices is encouraged and there are many such affinity spaces which are part of social media, so the white gaze is a given, but where we as white women are not expected to be a part of the conversation.
    This is not one of those spaces.
    Here you are shoring up your muscles for how to engage in interactions when you are walking with cohorts outside of this space as well as when you are engaged here, so you are expected to be fully present.
    I’m not exactly sure what you mean by “becoming a blank spot”, but as you continue reading through the pinned posts you will come across one that gives some specific recommendations on how to engage with the posts (it isn’t necessary to read that post before engaging- I had not, but if I find it I will come back and link it in the comments because I refer back to it frequently).
    Old habits are difficult to break, but this is a new space with a new way of doing things. Once you move away from your old habits in this space, I think you will find that it transforms your habits and your praxis in other spaces as well and you will demand of yourself better ways of being and engaging in the world and in this space.
    I look forward to walking with you.

  79. Aura Pocklington Avatar
    Aura Pocklington

    I have just finished reading the guidelines but not yet started the pinned items. I’m here in the aftermath of the TCL incident, and this page is a new experience for me. I’ve become accustomed to the idea of listening without engaging with black and brown voices, and for lack of a better word I’ve started “collecting” them in my feed. I’m excited by the idea of a community that encourages relationships, and I hope to be able to be capable of the work to stay involved. That’s my goal, but my own bad habits force me to say in all honesty that I may step away from this page in the future in the face of otherwise becoming a blank spot in the conversation. Thanks for being here and offering community and education.

  80. Jessie Wise Avatar
    Jessie Wise

    I just finished reading the guidelines and I’m having a hard time expressing how I feel, but feel challenged to do just that. I am excited because I know what leaning into that scary feeling of this is going to be hard work pays of immensely. The community just in the comments of the guidelines is overwhelming. I found Lace on Race from Ally Henry’s post and really didn’t read much about what was going on, other than another Black woman’s voice was being shut out instead of amplified and it mattered enough to me to press like. But what I pressed like on, it seems, is something that will drastically change my life, my views, my communication skills, and my relationships with people I care deeply about. I look forward to continuing to work through the pinned post and engaging in this community. Thank you for this.

  81. Danielle Joy Holcombe Avatar
    Danielle Joy Holcombe

    Welcome here Michelle,
    I’m glad that you are excited to be here. I just want to spend a second talking about what kind candor is and what it isn’t. Kind candor isn’t coating everything in sugar or honey. Kind candor IS speaking the truth plainly, but without snark, without punching down, but looking each other in the eye, as equals here. Sometimes plain speech feels like an attack to people who aren’t accustomed to that type of speech. And we do regularly challenge each other here – to confront the habits and language of white supremacy that we may not have seen or confronted in ourselves yet. I’m just bringing this up so that you can consider what your expectations around engagement are. And so that you have a plan for how you will respond if your expectations aren’t met.

  82. Michelle Salazar Avatar
    Michelle Salazar

    I am excited to be here and grateful for the kind candor rule. Kind candor that I will receive but also the kind candor I will learn to give to others. This kindness is new to me with regards to learning to be anti-racist. I’ve been reluctant to engage on other accounts regarding race and social justice because I don’t want to say the wrong thing…or to appear racist or ignorant and then to receive candor without the kindness. I’ve spent enough time in anti-racism groups to realize that’s a flaw in me…but I acknowledge it. I am grateful I can have the opportunity to engage and grow here…that I am encouraged (required) to comment and that others will engage with me.

    I’m here from TCL. I’m thankful for what you did regarding the masks and I’m sorry for what you are experiencing from them. I incorrectly assumed those on the left were somehow less prone to racist behavior and that as Christians they would be open to redirection regarding their actions. I was wrong, but I still have hope. I now understand what Malcolm X was talking about when he said white liberals are dangerous. They are…I just saw it play out before my eyes on Facebook posts and comments. Your response to it is a testament to me because you operate from a place of worth and strength. Thank you for creating this space for people to grow and learn. I am honored to be here.

  83. Kristina Harris Avatar
    Kristina Harris

    Thank you for so explicitly stating these guidelines. Many of the previous comments resonated with me, particularly the ones about how “perfectionism” can be seen as rooted in white supremacy, as well as the need/wish for reward cookies. I know it can be difficult for me to hear critique or discussions of problematic behavior (even when stated with kind candor), so I will work the muscles necessary to sit with and manage my own discomfort while appreciating correction as a gift given with love.

  84. Lacey Lipe Avatar
    Lacey Lipe

    Welcome to this community, Ingrid. Glad to have you walking here with us. Thank you for sharing what brought you to this space.

  85. Ingrid Jones Avatar
    Ingrid Jones

    Thank you for taking the time to post thoughtful guidelines so that someone like me – who is new – can understand the norms and expectations from the get go! I am glad I found this space as an outcome to TCL’s white supremacist reaction and behavior to your very valid questions. I look forward to being an active part of this community!

  86. Lacey Lipe Avatar
    Lacey Lipe

    Welcome, Stacey. Looking forward to walking with you.

  87. Stacey Choi Avatar
    Stacey Choi

    Just finished reading the guidelines; excited to officially get started on this journey!

  88. Tanya Avatar

    Done! I know I’m late to the party, and I appreciate that you’re all just happy I showed up at all instead of staying home watching TV. Thank you for taking the time and energy to help us be better. Once I realized that I wasn’t participating here because of my concern of burdening people (specifically women) of color, and I don’t feel that way about my other (white led) ventures, the only path forward was to get over my racist self and do better.

  89. Angela Avatar

    I have read the guidelines and I am excited to start walking!

  90. Barb Chamberlain Avatar

    Thank you for the guidelines. As a white woman I’ve done some learning by following and listening to people on Twitter. That’s a very different kind of space that doesn’t foster reflection and instead rewards performance. I appreciate not allowing “reacts” here because the silly endorphin hit I get from seeing people like or share a tweet creates a false sense of value and importance–the coin of opinion capitalism.

    I’ve read books and blog posts but without having any accountability to others for learning or acting, no sequence that lets me put things together and internalize rather than intellectualize new knowledge and awareness. The space, structure, and expectations here are so much more than I anticipated (as one of the many people who read that list of things to do and found you that way), and I commit to engaging regularly.

    I recognize in myself the desire to say things the “right way” so as not to cause harm. I do a lot of writing and editing in my work and have a definite desire to craft and polish my words to begin with. Add to that the desire to prove I’ve learned from the things I’ve read and from listening to friends and people I respect and admire who have been generous in sharing, instructing, clarifying, calling something what it is when I couldn’t recognize that. When I write, I reread and second-guess and try to imagine how my words will be received. I’m trying to be aware of this desire to perform “good white person, not bad white person” as an aspect of white supremacy. Being relentlessly reliable is a high bar I appreciate and can only prove through actions, not through wordsmithing.

    At the same time because I think and type quickly I can pop off a reply without taking the time to sit with something, examine and internalize, and genuinely learn. I don’t think that’s the point of being here in community with others so I’ll work to find a rhythm of reading, reflecting, replying.

    I noticed Pam had the question I had about setting up a monthly recurring payment. Lace’s answer about wanting us to really tune into the fact that we’re supporting this space is making me think about other places I’m giving money. Once I set up that donation, did I think again actively about their mission? Did I keep telling people about them? Or is “set it and forget it” too easy? Someone commented on Twitter (I *am* there a lot) that if you donate money without changing your actions then congratulations, you’ve reinvented indulgences.

    Thank you so much for creating the space. I will seek to honor it with thoughtful participation.

  91. Neill Meehan Avatar
    Neill Meehan

    Just getting started, I have read the guidelines, and will return often and as needed. Thank you!

  92. Diana Clegg Avatar
    Diana Clegg

    I have read the guidelines and agree to follow them. I deeply appreciate the opportunity to be here in community with you. I know it will be challenging for me to do the level of engagement required, but believe it will make a big difference in how I do this work.

  93. Hillary Kate Butterworth Avatar
    Hillary Kate Butterworth

    I see myself in what you have written, particularly in this sentence: “I came here understanding clearly the historical and social facets of racism; now I see just as clearly how much of my self, my unique identity, is tarred with white supremacy.”
    I have only begun to unlearn the racist account of history I was taught, but I recognize the more difficult work will come through examining my identity.

    I am afraid that I will need to change everything about my life that I currently love.

    This fear is sitting like a bowling ball in my stomach as I write this, but I feel even more full of gratitude for the opportunity to sit on this porch.
    By engaging with this “safe-ish” space, I will transform my fear into “mindful service” just as you have described.

    Thank you for sharing.

  94. Hillary Kate Butterworth Avatar
    Hillary Kate Butterworth

    This is my first post! I have read these guidelines many times and plan to return again to renew my understanding. I seek to lessen the harm my whiteness inflicts on POC, and Black womxn in particular; and fulfill my duty as a community member in this forum.
    I am in awe of the discourse that I see in this comment section, and I am eager to confront my ignorance. There’s no excuse for my racial immaturity. It is an honor to begin my walk among you.

  95. Christina Sonas Avatar
    Christina Sonas

    Today I am starting a second journey through the pinned post and all of its links. In my five weeks here my praxis has matured significantly, from my very first mistake of framing this effort as me becoming better at antiracism. Now I have made a fundamental shift to keeping black and brown people and their struggles centered in my vision, to speaking regularly that the singular goal is “to lessen and reduce harm endured by black and brown people and perpetuated by white people”. I came here understanding clearly the historical and social facets of racism; now I see just as clearly how much of my self, my unique identity, is tarred with white supremacy. While that is disturbing, it is also very motivating, because it means there are very personal actions I can take that will have an immediate impact on reducing white harm, by reducing harm that I cause directly. I have also learned much about how to engage with projects and initiatives working toward the goal: to place myself in a position of mindful service to the leadership of BIPOC, whose knowledge and experience must be the foundation of all antiracism work. I can practice that mindful service here at Lace on Race, by adhering to the guidelines and to the work of active, thoughtful engagement with the community and with the material. And I can practice that mindful service wherever I happen to be, whatever I happen to be doing. Much love and thanks to Lace, the Lace on Race staff, the sustainers, the guest authors, and the entire community.

  96. BE Avatar

    Thank you for laying out these expectations. I will return to them as I walk.

  97. Jen C Avatar
    Jen C

    Somehow, I missed this link when I started reading through the pinned post. It sure clears up a lot of the questions I had, like whether or not to comment on old posts! So I will start back at the top of the pinned posts and comment.

    I really needed the subthread in the comments about perfectionism and it’s relationship with white supremacy. I feel better about commenting on current posts before working through the pinned post.

    One of the things that’s had the most impact on me so far is the NO REACTS rule. I’ve been trying to take that into the rest of my online life. It’s been both rewarding and terrifying. On one hand, I’ve had some GREAT conversations. On the other hand, challenging covert racism has led to some head on confrontations with overt racism. It has helped solidify my conviction to follow the leadership of Black WOC in my antiracist work.

  98. Deanna Avatar

    I’m very grateful to have a space to unpack and reckon with my racist thoughts, feelings, and especially actions. I commit to make coming here and reading and engaging with each pinned post a part of my morning routine. I commit to engaging financially. I commit to examining my clutch, my fragility, and my tendency to “somehow” only get done the things that are helpful to me. I’m looking forward to being rocked and challenged by this community and aspire to be someone who can learn to do good anti-racist work. I know this will be rough and I know that I’m part of the problem. Thank you again for these clear community guidelines and a path to jump into this work.

  99. Ingrid Avatar

    I will abide by these guidelines. I welcome discussion and my own growth to be a better advocate and lessen harm.

  100. Lee Avatar

    I am finding the same thing. I recently helped to create and admin a community advocacy group for my small town, and we are starting to figure out ways we can make our space more like this space. And it’s definitely making helping me to be a better parent and spouse.

  101. Lacey Lipe Avatar
    Lacey Lipe

    Hi MJ,

    I, too, was initially redirected to restate some of my comments using kind candor. This was a new way of doing things for me and I have incorporated into other spaces as I have watched the transformative and healing power using the process of walking with someone using kind candor in this space. I hope for you that you will have that same experience walking in this community.

  102. MJ Avatar

    Here to do the hard work.

    That kind candor thing is going to be a challenge, and a worthwhile one.

  103. Danielle Joy Holcombe Avatar
    Danielle Joy Holcombe

    Welcome Alexander! Even when you have nothing new to say, engaging on posts helps build muscle memory.

    But also, commenting on posts should consist of more than a statement of why a certain behavior is wrong. See if you can locate yourself in the behavior. Try to find a time when you have participated in erasure of or violence towards Black people in a similar manner (similar to whatever is being discussed on a particular post). These ways of personalizing will help you root out behaviors you may have been overlooking that are actually in service to white supremacy.

  104. Lacey Lipe Avatar
    Lacey Lipe

    I have found that as I have started putting more thought into comments with others on social media and fewer reacts overall, my engagement with everyone has been deeper and I have been less likely to react in this space.

  105. Alexander Lucas Avatar
    Alexander Lucas

    This is both incredible and overwhelming. I’ll admit that making any kind of sustained commitment from first visit is daunting, though I see the merit. I feel silly posting for I don’t feel like I have anything original to say, though that is more reason to do so. I am scared but excited.

  106. Joan Avatar

    Hi Heather,

    I am working through the exact same emotions as I start out on this journey. I tend not to be very active online, especially in social media spaces where I am afraid to get “called out” for ignorance or harm. Learning about the Lace on Race community has made me realize how privileged I have been to be able to opt out of these important conversations.

    “Being comfortable is no longer my priority” is a great summary of these realizations, and I will definitely be trying to embody that re-prioritization in the future. Thanks for sharing your thought process.

  107. Joan Avatar

    I have just finished reading and taking notes on these guidelines. I am committed to doing my best to follow them, and learning from my mistakes when they occur.

    Like some of the other commenters, I am feeling some trepidation about doing new things in new ways. I am anxious to fit in to the culture of this community, and it is tempting to observe and “lurk” for a long time before actively engaging. These guidelines, however, are a good reminder that active engagement is a much better way to learn. Thank you Lace and team for creating this space!

  108. Laura Berwick Avatar
    Laura Berwick

    Hi Debbie! Welcome. I’m glad you discovered something new and enriching. I do want to draw your attention, though, back to our guideline that begins, “*Please run resources you might want to share with admin staff by shooting us a message.” Resources, outside content, the material this addresses would include such things as the link you included, so please be mindful going forward, and check with the admins before sharing.

    I hope you continue to find and engage here!

  109. Debbie L Kinsinger Avatar

    I love discovering new words that engage me in self expression. Today it was Hesed. When I looked it up I found the definition has a lot of context.

  110. Jennifer Tidwell Avatar
    Jennifer Tidwell

    Read and understood. Thank you. I have been “lurking” for a couple of years and reading, but have finally decided it’s time to work harder and be an engaged community member.

  111. Shay Roberts Avatar
    Shay Roberts

    Thank you, Jessie! Yes, it does help to frame it as the bare minimum required to be here. I have also found that by engaging in this space with these guidelines, it has challenged me to think about the other online spaces in which I have often only liked or shared posts without meaningful engagement, and the effects this has on the creators in those spaces as well as my own growth and understanding. This is a good habit to continue with in those spaces as well.

  112. Laura Berwick Avatar
    Laura Berwick

    My pleasure! Yes, learning just how of a pattern I am has been humbling, but also enlightening, really freeing in a way, and really helpful to the learning how to not do harm!

  113. Tiffany Hunter Avatar
    Tiffany Hunter

    Forgot to say, thank you!

  114. Tiffany Hunter Avatar
    Tiffany Hunter

    Done. This helps me feel more confident to put my feet on the path and start walking.

  115. Jessie Lee Avatar
    Jessie Lee

    Hey Shay! I like the question you asked yourself – “is it really that difficult to form a thoughtful response and engage in dialogue?” I agree that it is not that high of an expectation or really that intimidating, especially if we frame it as part of the bare minimum required to be here. Even if I have found it difficult or intimidating, I keep interrupting that thought and telling myself to just keep at it until it’s a habit. I’m happy you’re here!

  116. Shay Roberts Avatar
    Shay Roberts

    I appreciate your clear and thorough guidelines, especially the no reacts and having thoughtful comments. This is a push that I personally need. I followed your page based on the recommendations of an article, read a few things, and initially found the no reacts and thoughtful comments expectation to be intimidating. Then today, your video that posted on Sunday came up on my newsfeed. As I watched, I realized that I was one of the people you were talking about. And I asked myself, is it really that difficult to form a thoughtful response and engage in dialogue? To put some actions behind your statements? This is not that high of an expectation or such an intimidating request. So here I am today, committing to read, reread, comment, and support this space financially. I apologize for my initial privileged response and thank you for the calling out. I appreciate your work and the space you have created here. I commit to actions that back up my sentiments and follow the above guidelines.

  117. Jessie Lee Avatar
    Jessie Lee

    Hey Leah, thank you, thinking about the root is helpful. Fear of failure and embarrassment are it for me, too. I’ve been grappling with how these fears are tangled up in white supremacy. It’s sort of strange to realize that my perfectionism, which I’ve always perceived as a weakness and a thing that makes me lesser in comparison to my peers, is actually an example of how I’ve unconsciously believed myself to be “special”, entitled to special treatment or alternative expectations. Also, entitled to taking shortcuts on this walk when Lace is CLEARLY telling me, telling us, over and over, in these guidelines and lots of other places, NOT to take shortcuts (e.g., “Scrolling and rolling is not going to get you to where you say you want to be”) She knows what she’s talking about!! The evidence of that is everywhere throughout this website and the facebook.

    Examining my past and present thoughts and behavior through the lens of “How is this tied to white supremacy?” is a beast of a task. I’m so grateful there are others to walk with, and happy to walk with you, too.

  118. Laura Berwick Avatar
    Laura Berwick

    Hi Rhonda. It’s a good question. There isn’t a stated preference beyond the directive to just engage. I believe most things posted here are also posted to Facebook, but there is quite a bit of additional content that is posted to Facebook that doesn’t appear here.

    As my own practice, when things are double posted, I tend to copy and paste my comment so that it appears in both places. I tend to go to Facebook every day, and only check the website once or twice a week to make sure I’m caught up on posts and new comments. I really appreciate the new notification/subscribe feature here on the website, because now I can subscribe to a website post and get new comments to my email. (If you hadn’t noticed that, it should appear as a checkbox down at the bottom of the page, or beneath your comment entry fields and above the “Post Comment” box.)

  119. Leah Gallo Avatar
    Leah Gallo

    Hi Rhonda,
    Welcome! Are you talking about a comment you have about the guidelines? I see that some people commented on the guidelines on the Facebook welcome post, but Lace had asked people to comment there when they were done reading and taken action on all of the individual posts listed – not to comment there on the guidelines. She’s the teacher so I try as hard as I can to stick to her rules.

  120. Leah Gallo Avatar
    Leah Gallo

    Hi Jessie, as a lifelong perfectionist I feel your pain. But I’ve only been on the site four days and it’s already getting easier to comment. So keep at it! What helped me the most was analysing what was at the root of my perfectionism. It came down to two things – fear of failure, and fear of embarrassment. Ironically, we often only learn from failure (or in this case a deeper engagement), so why do we fear it so much? The second I have had to take a hard look at. Why am I embarrassed if I get something wrong? I am here to learn. But beyond that, it ultimately isn’t about us. It’s about reducing harm to black and brown people. Embarrassment cannot hold a
    candle to the need for true equality. Perfectionism makes it about us and as Laura said, makes us think we are special at the expense of everyone else. letting go of that allows us to be part of this beautiful community, to grow and to learn. I’m happy to walk with you.

  121. Rhonda Eldridge Avatar

    I am hoping it is ok to ask what I am considering a ‘stupid’ question. Is there a preference for engaging with the website or FB? I have read the guidelines, and the first set of items in the pinned posts in Facebook. My methodology has been to start reading every post on the website starting in June 2020 and go back chronologically to be sure I don’t miss anything.

  122. Leah Gallo Avatar
    Leah Gallo

    Hi Laura, I apologise for not responding sooner – I must have missed the notification. I really appreciate you taking the time to lay out your thoughts on perfectionism and why it’s part of the white supremacy culture. It’s really fascinating to me – I’ve only been a member of the community for about 4 days but I have seen in so many comments now women expressing their fear of commenting, their perfectionism, basically all variations of my own post about the subject. And even before I read your reply (although I very much appreciate it because its extremely helpful) I was beginning to get it just from realising how much we white women keep silent from fear of embarrassment or being seen as less. We are prioritising these emotions over involvement, over change, over doing the right thing. How astounding to realise this apparently very common trait, often perpetuated as ‘good’ in white society, is actually part of what keeps us silent and continuing to contribute to white supremacy. This fear which has plagued me my whole life is so centering. And of course as you point out the flaw in our perfectionist logic that we somehow know better than Lace and not giving her the respect she deserves. I came on this site to learn anti-racism and put it into practice but I’m pretty certain a side benefit is going to be that it makes me an overall better human. Thank you again for taking the time to respond.

  123. Jessie L Avatar
    Jessie L

    Hi, Leah and Laura. Apparently I have some serious reckoning to do with perfectionism as an act of white supremacy. I have revised this comment too many times to relieve my own anxiety that I will misstep. Revising is a compulsion at this point, one that I’m responsible for working through in order, as Leah said, to respect the guideline to engage. I keep thinking about the entitlement I’m acting on when I indulge my perfectionism, especially given the cost of delayed/reduced engagement. Entitlement to what? I think one thing is exemption from Lace’s rules, as Laura pointed out. If I’m stuck in passivity because I don’t think I am qualified to say the “right” thing, when the expectation isn’t to say the “right” thing but to say A thing, I’m acting out of entitlement and white privilege. I think. The wrestling continues…

  124. Adrian Ekizian Barton Avatar
    Adrian Ekizian Barton

    I have read the guidelines and will return to them to remind myself of the expectations. Thank you for creating this space. I will begin walking and reading and exploring resources and required readings and engaging with other posts.

  125. Rebecca Brown Avatar
    Rebecca Brown

    I have thoroughly considered the commitment that you lay out and agree to follow your guidelines. Thank you for the work you are doing.

  126. Laura Berwick Avatar
    Laura Berwick

    We are new people doing new things in new ways! I appreciate your dedication to continuing to go over these guidelines until they’re ingrained. It is so worth it.

  127. Michelle Green Avatar
    Michelle Green

    I read through the guidelines a few weeks ago and regrettably did not retain them then proceeded to break a number of them in my white supremacy and entitlement. I will read them as many times as needed until they are ingrained within me.

  128. Jennifer Avatar

    I have just joined this group and read through these guidelines several times now. I appreciate the time and dedication to this space. I commit to actively engaging.

  129. Susan Russo Avatar
    Susan Russo

    I have read the guidelines several times and I’m ready to begin to read, and to respond. Thank you for the opportunity.

  130. Rane Sessions Avatar
    Rane Sessions

    Hi, I want to do this work. I am used to scanning and acting, speaking out, or leaving. I struggle with staying and paying attention to details. Struggling means I often don’t do it or do it in starts and stops. I want to be different. I want to learn, and I am not good at this. I never have been. I have a lot to learn. A lot. I am committing to doing the work. Thank you for letting me come into this space.

  131. Laura Berwick Avatar
    Laura Berwick

    I want to let you know, Leah, that I’m about to turn in for the evening, but if you have further questions, I’ll be back to check here tomorrow morning, and other people may also have more to add. Thanks for asking your questions!

  132. Laura Berwick Avatar
    Laura Berwick

    Hi Leah. I think the strongest tie-in to white supremacy in the points you bring up is the underlying certainty we white people live with that we are special, unique, individual. I think, I am a perfectionist, so I don’t want to say anything unless it’s exactly right, this is, even, a neurosis that others need to accept and accommodate for me, so if I don’t quite adhere to Lace’s rules, that’s okay, because I’m special, with this special personality trait that just holds me back. Only, maybe I’m even a little proud of it, because it helps me do everything I do “right”. In reality, we aren’t unique in this, and we need to work with ourselves and not expect others to make exceptions for us. We also, then, when we get something wrong and someone points it out, it can feel like an absolute disaster for us, and then we position ourselves as the person needing consoling and validation. We may weaponize our “white tears” or “offend from the victim position.” As a “perfectionist” myself, this has been part of my journey. Perfectionism particularly can also be a survival mechanism for growing up in a society that puts white women on a pedestal, or it can be a response to needing to get ahead of white men. So there are a few ways in which perfectionism can be one way to act out of white supremacy.

    Going back to our ideas of our individual uniqueness and importance, this speaks to the woman you’re talking about who stated that she wanted to do the work Lace sets for us HER way. That this is what she needed, so it should be okay with everyone if that’s what she did. I’ll be honest, I’m not sure if this is really what she said explicitly… because there are a number of women who have responded to Lace this way, so I’m sort of paraphrasing all of them. She means it with all respect, this is absolutely going to be best for her, regardless of Lace’s expertise on how best to truly do this work, that Lace has been doing for decades, and that we are all pretty new to. This brings in the idea of how we deserve a “carve-out,” a special exception for ourselves here at Lace on Race. And that’s a self-assurance that we really only get as white people in a society built on white supremacy. Our individual preferences and quirks make us unique, are best for us, need to be accommodated, etc. The reality is that we act out of more of a pattern than is comfortable to contemplate. It’s not just that “simple disregard for the rules” is white supremacy. It’s feeling *entitled* to disregard rules we don’t like. There’s a relatively recent post about an article by a white woman on how she disregarded all the rules put in place to try to contain the COVID pandemic, and we discussed a lot about the way white people can just ignore all the rules in a country where black people can follow every direction the police give and still die.

    I think I’ve started rambling, so I’ll hit pause here. Does it make sense? Does this begin to tease that out for you?

  133. Leah Gallo Avatar
    Leah Gallo

    Thank you, Lace, for offering your porch to those like me who need to learn. I have read a couple of things and am commenting to be respectful to Lace’s request for engagement. I have a great fear of failure and also the warring awareness that this fear is damaging and stilts growth. Someone made a comment that perfectionism is a form of white supremacy but I don’t fully understand why yet. There is a big part of me that wants to read and learn more of the literature out there before I posted, but that felt like breaking trust with Lace’s guidelines. There’s another discussion on Lace’s facebook page about a woman who had read the guidelines and wanted to step back and read everything before posting again. Lace said that isn’t what she had asked for and this was a form of white supremacy and I’m not certain I understand that either. What is the line between white supremacy and a simple disregard for the rules? Or does this circle around to the first point – perfectionism as white supremacy? I do look forward to a deeper understanding of these points so that I may minimise harm and be relentlessly reliable. Thank you so much for inviting me.

  134. Ashley Rodenkirch Avatar
    Ashley Rodenkirch

    I appreciate the clarity in the guidelines. As others have stated, I definitely want to rush to action but I need to slow down and make sure I’m doing it in a way that isn’t harmful. There’s so much to learn and I hope to do right by you.

  135. Heidi Wehmeyer Avatar
    Heidi Wehmeyer

    So much to take in even within the guidelines. I am seizing this opportunity to do the work and learn to be a much better person and a much better ally. I commit to do the work, accept comments and sit with them, learn from them, to be vulnerable and to make progress.

  136. Megan Danforth Avatar
    Megan Danforth

    I really appreciate your reflections here, Rachel. I, too, have just read the guidelines and resonate so completely with your need to move slowly while at the same time feeling such an urgency to act. I have been whirling in a storm of reading, listening, taking action, giving money, and trying to find some ground upon which to stand so that I can open my heart and mind more fully to the work I need to do right now. I am grateful to have found this community. The guidelines are so beautifully crafted that I felt a visceral reaction to the vision they put forth, and a clear desire to get involved. Here I have found a place to land, a place to check in each day and begin reading and connecting with others in this most critical work for all humanity.

  137. Leah Clark Avatar
    Leah Clark

    The imagery here is beautiful. In any kind of interaction there are risks, and in some cases the risk is worth it, some not. I’m uncomfortable because I see myself in the performative language, and I want to jump ahead to the point where I don’t do that anymore. But there’s work to do before that happens. I’ll keep on.

  138. Laura Berwick Avatar
    Laura Berwick

    Lace, for clarification, were you asking me, Rachel, or both of us?

  139. Michelle M. Avatar
    Michelle M.

    I’ve read these guidelines twice, and I sincerely appreciate the clarity. I am often reluctant to speak in online formats (fearing I will ‘mess up’), and the care with which these expectations have been communicated makes engagement less daunting. The ethos of using “kind candor” to engage sets a clear expectation for my behavior and indicates I can expect to be challenged. I know I won’t always be comfortable with it. But I am committed to walking.

  140. Lace Watkins Avatar
    Lace Watkins

    Lace here.

    How candid may I be?

  141. Claire H Avatar
    Claire H

    Thank you for the suggestion to make a plan! I’ve told myself before that I will engage “regularly” but haven’t ever come up with a plan as to what exactly that means so it was easy to not hold myself accountable. Now I’m going to come up with a concrete plan, including points you mentioned like how often to come here and how much time to spend, so that I can work towards showing up with resilience and reliability.

  142. Claire H Avatar
    Claire H

    I appreciate the clear guidelines and have read them over several times to make sure I fully understand. But I also plan on coming back regularly to make sure I am still following best practices.

  143. Laura Berwick Avatar
    Laura Berwick

    Hi Rachel! You hit directly on something that is so important. That for all the urgency we feel right now, the way to be a lasting part of the change we need to see is to proceed with all *deliberate* speed. I know I can get wrapped up in the intricacies of my own mind to an unproductive extent, but I can also learn all the knowledge in the world as fast as possible, and still be just a super-knowledgeable racist, to paraphrase Lace’s recent interview.

    I can’t speak precisely as to whether or not Lace finds it annoying to see “thank you” attached to each message. But, using my fictive imagination, I think you may also have hit on something there, that thanks after thanks is… potentially validation that can get irksome when it’s not backed up by demonstrated growth? I think it would be better to SHOW our thanks in how we really appreciate and take to heart what we learn here, about how to do less harm to black and brown people.

    There *was* a discussion on a thread, I’ll see if I can dig it up this evening, about how we white women can use “Thank you” to end a conversation we want to be done with, whether or not we’ve reached an end that is productive or beneficial to us or to the people we’re conversing with. This is something I know I have needed to have meetings with myself about. If I end a conversation with my thanks, do I consider myself done, or am I truly expressing gratitude, understanding, and conviction to do better? So that’s my take on all the thank yous. It can be hard for a nice white lady like me to realize my gratitude is just beside the point. But it’s worth pondering.

    So, great question! Welcome to your walk with us!

  144. Rachel Vise Avatar
    Rachel Vise

    I am sitting with the intentional slowness of the process right now… I realized the other day that I had been consuming information about how to be a better ally, Black history, proposed aims of different organizations to which I can donate, the prison industrial complex, mass incarceration, etc. on and on and on at such a rapid fire rate that it was almost sort of running through me, like water. It was too much, too fast, and I found myself unable to hold onto the things I was learning in the way that I want to. It’s hard to balance the slowness you ask of us with the urgency of the Movement for Black Lives… but I can see that it is an exercise that will make me better understand Black issues, make me better able to fight for them and explain them when the inevitable confrontations with family members or acquaintances arise. I want to go fast… but I NEED to go slow… and the Black people in my life will benefit much more from that (and based on others’ comments, it seems that every sphere of my life and relations will as well). I needed that reminder. — And I have another question (that is perhaps answered in the later readings): is it annoying for you to have “thank you” attached to each message?

  145. Emily V Avatar
    Emily V

    Reread and understood

  146. Angela Griffis Avatar
    Angela Griffis

    I do not think I have read a more comprehensive set of guidelines in any group. They are a little intimidating only because I’m scared I’m going to mess up! I appreciate the opportunity to be here and to learn. Thank you.b

  147. Angela Avatar

    I have read the guidelines, thought about my nervousness to comment and engage, and read the guidelines again. I look forward to further reading, and will engage with the readings and comment as I work through them.

  148. Angela Brown Avatar
    Angela Brown

    A community where people can discuss frankly, learn, and grow is just what I was looking for (I came here after reading the article with your interview by Aja Romano on Vox.) I have read your guidelines and agree to abide by them.

    Thank you for dedicating your time and energy here so that we have this opportunity!

  149. Christine Keady Avatar
    Christine Keady

    I use sarcasm as a deflection or a quick-strike attack. These guidelines require me to slow down and post with purpose. I’ve read the guidelines three times now and swear I see something new each time. In reality, I’m just seeing it with more clarity. I will do my very best to honor your space and abide by your guidelines.

  150. Lindsay Avatar

    I’ve read through carefully twice and already feel there is much to ruminate on even just at this staring point. Thank you for so thoroughly and thoughtfully creating this space.

  151. Seanna Avatar

    Thank you for these detailed and thoughtful guidelines. They really made me think and I look forward to engaging in this community.

  152. Kat Alexander Avatar

    Thank you for these thoughtful guidelines, Lace and team. I appreciate the ask to be committed to this community and to the work, and I want to make that commitment today. I’m looking forward to reading and listening to all of the wise words in this space, responding with comments as well as financially contributing to this work. Thank you!

  153. Heather Avatar

    Taking some deep breaths. I’m another chronic lurker (in general- new to this group) and speaking up and commenting, whether in person or online, about most topics, tends to make me very uncomfortable. But being comfortable is no longer my priority. It can’t be. That’s why I’m commiting to engagement in this group.

  154. Emily Malnor Avatar
    Emily Malnor

    Thank you Lace! I appreciate having this list of guidelines to get started. I am learning so much and hope to contribute to this community in a productive and positive way. The reacts are going to be a hard habit to kick, but it makes sense. Reacting and scrolling through content makes me feel like I’m doing something positive, when I’m really not being helpful.

  155. Lace Watkins Avatar
    Lace Watkins

    I won’t lie. It has been a bit of an adjustment. And not just in terms of Logistics, in terms of my interior space how can I hold literally twice as many people as I was holding two weeks ago. Gimkit that’s for me. That I can lead with discernment and love and hold you all. That is my goal

  156. Normandy Avatar

    Thank you, Lace and the whole team. These guidelines are beautiful, and I appreciate the amount of time and thought put into crafting expectations. Commenting on every post stretches me a lot – I thought about it all week and returned to re-read. The time it takes to really sit with something, think deeply, and offer a meaningful response (that I can stand behind), will slow things down in ways I imagine are a big part of that ask. I’m curious how community engagement looks as it grows, and more and more people are coming through to comment? How does everyone manage the time and energy it takes to engage with so many people?

  157. Andrea Beilfuss Avatar
    Andrea Beilfuss

    Done. Thank you for your commitment to. Hold me accountable. In turn, when here, I promise to be present in my time with you.

  158. Laurie Terpins Avatar
    Laurie Terpins

    I have read the guidelines. Thank you for creating this space. I look forward to growing and understanding myself and others in a new way. As I read the guidelines and the comments, I noticed that my education has already begun.

  159. Jessica Brown Avatar
    Jessica Brown

    Done. Thank you deeply for creating this space. I am here to learn.

  160. Pallavi Chandna Avatar
    Pallavi Chandna

    There are many of these guidelines which have provoked some questions to ask myself as a non-Black woman of color. One of them is the act of deleting my comments. I asked myself, “Would deleting my comment be harmful?” I never have thought about that before. Because of Lace, I now see how it would be a way of not taking responsibility for the harm I have caused to Black people and taking a short-cut and trying to make it easier for myself. But certainly, this space is about minimizing the harm done to black and brown people, as Lace has stated in her expectations.

  161. Devon Avatar

    Done. Thank you for taking the time to outline expectations for this journey.

  162. Katie Ballinger Avatar
    Katie Ballinger

    Thank you for creating this space. I look forward to learning and engaging in a new way with this community.

  163. Rachel Wilcox Avatar
    Rachel Wilcox

    Thank you for this – I look forward to the opportunity to participate in this space and learn from my fellow community members.

  164. Madilyn Avatar

    I’m looking forward to learning and growing in this space. Thank you for the work you do.

  165. Catherine Ehr Avatar
    Catherine Ehr

    I have read the guidelines and will follow them. I am just starting with reading the pinned posts and the “required reading”, and I commit to reading these and engaging in a meaningful way with them and the ideas presented therein. I want to translate what I am reading, doing, and learning online into everyday actions in life.

  166. Colleen Gibbs Avatar
    Colleen Gibbs

    Thank you for this space to learn. I’ve read your thoughtful guidelines and will comply.

  167. Shauna Anderson Avatar
    Shauna Anderson

    I am new here. I am thankful for this space. I have read the guidelines and am ready to walk on this journey. Thank you for the opportunity.

  168. Allison McGrath Avatar
    Allison McGrath

    Thank you for all of the time and thought put in to these guidelines. I agree to abide by them – the no reacts guideline will I know make me more thoughtful in engaging in my life in general. I have a tendency to hit the react button on my friend’s posts regarding race and social justice, rather than commenting. I also do repost without adding my own commentary, which I realize is a similar act.

    I have been afraid to say something wrong, or be seen as monopolizing the space, and hitting the react button gives me a false sense of having accomplished something. I realize now that this is a way of avoiding digging in deeper on my own responsibility for participation in a racist system that benefits me.

    I appreciate all of the guidelines and the kind of space that they foster. I resolve to follow them, to engage and listen, and to apologize and adjust if I violate any of the guidelines.

  169. Genevieve Avatar

    Thank you for creating this space and this community. I have read the guidelines and while I am slightly intimidated to participate (definitely guilty of lurking), I am committed to this walk.

  170. Magali Castro Gyr Avatar
    Magali Castro Gyr

    Magali Castro Gyr
    I have thoroughly read the guidelines and embrace and accept this opportunity to learn. Thank you!

  171. Katy Murdza Avatar
    Katy Murdza

    I have read and agree to follow these guidelines. While I have heard conversations on the downsides of reacts, I had never heard of a solution like the online culture you have established here. Thank you for introducing me to it.

  172. Joan C. Avatar
    Joan C.

    Read, understood & appreciated.

  173. Laura Berwick Avatar
    Laura Berwick

    Hi Hillary. I, too, am absolutely not a joiner. For me, I’ve resisted the thought that I can’t just do what’s needed on my own, and I’ve hated how people tend to pigeon-hole me by what communities I’m in. Can’t they see I’m a unique individual??? And… can’t I see how privileged those feelings are? So, yes. It’s not easy for me to be in a community like this, either, but community is absolutely how we’ll actually get the work done. I’m glad you’re here. Practice breeds confidence!

  174. Amanda DeMilner Avatar
    Amanda DeMilner

    I found Lace on Race through KatyKatiKate a couple days ago, and I’m excited to take my first step into this community. I understand these guidelines and am grateful for them. Online, I’m a constant lurker, I don’t read comments, and I have my profiles set to private. The guidelines and Lace’s live video yesterday has really sparked some introspection for me. The ban on reacts feels like a revelation – I never once thought about them. I’m a huge scroll and roller. It’s pretty embarrassing to admit that I’ve had to remind myself to actually read articles before I reacted to them.

    Since there’s some overlap between website content and Facebook posts, is there a preference on where comments go?

  175. Chloe W Avatar
    Chloe W

    It is my first day here and I obviously have so much to learn. I will start with the relational ethics pieces and then move through the others as expediently as I can.

  176. Maura Whisenhunt Avatar
    Maura Whisenhunt

    I’ve read the guidelines and agree to abide by them. Though I admit to some trepidation, I’m also eager to start walking.

  177. cheryl harris Avatar
    cheryl harris

    thank you for spelling out your expectations and rationale so clearly. I appreciate the work you are doing making life safer for women of color, and I have so much respect for the work done here.

  178. J ray Avatar
    J ray

    Read and then re-read the guidelines a
    few weeks later. This space is the very different than any space I have participated in the past. Even in the past two or three weeks since I originally read them, I have become aware of why I avoided commenting before. I was afraid of committing to the work of unpacking my racism and the especially the accountability to others for what I say.

  179. Amanda Avatar

    I have read the guidelines.

  180. Lace Watkins Avatar
    Lace Watkins

    That’s not what I asked you to do.

  181. Clare Steward Avatar
    Clare Steward

    I have read the guidelines and understand and appreciate them. I an looking forward to challenging conversation and reflection. There is so much to learn.

  182. Tracy Avatar

    Read. Understand and agree.

  183. Mischelle Kwa Avatar
    Mischelle Kwa

    Much appreciation for the time and energy that is clearly put toward the cause. I stand with you all. May we continue to gain strength in the efforts to improve the quality of life in the black and brown communities.

  184. Becky O Avatar
    Becky O

    I have come back these guidelines quite a few times since I joined a few days ago. I am so used to reacting to posts and scrolling on by. I didn’t used to be that way. I used to engage and comment and actively participate. I have become complacent. Looking forward to challenging myself again, to stop with the excuses (there are so many!), and actually engage and participate.

  185. Rona Pryor Avatar
    Rona Pryor

    Read. Committed to learn and contribute and build resilience.

  186. Catherine Carpeaux Avatar
    Catherine Carpeaux

    Thank you for these guidelines. Being very new to this site/FB page, I don’t fully understand them all, but will revisit.

  187. Kailyn Mclean Angella Avatar
    Kailyn Mclean Angella

    Thank you for these guidelines and the thoughtfulness behind each and every one. I am happy to participate in a safe-ish environment where I am continually challenged to dig deep and do the the work. I appreciate the reasons you have for the guidelines and have already made some shifts in thoughts and behaviors in other forums as a result, especially surrounding the no reacts. Thank you, I’m glad to be walking with you.

  188. Kailyn Mclean Angella Avatar
    Kailyn Mclean Angella

    Thank you for these guidelines and the thoughtfulness behind each and every one. I am happy to participate in a safe-ish environment where I am continually challenged to dig deep and do the the work. I appreciate the reasons you have for the guidelines and have already made some shifts in thoughts and behaviors in other forums as a result, especially surrounding the no reacts. Thank you, I’m glad to be walking with you.

  189. Kate Marr Avatar
    Kate Marr

    Thank you for these thoughtful guidelines.

  190. Christina Sonas Avatar
    Christina Sonas

    I thank you for providing a community for the next steps on my journey. I have done a lot of preliminary work, reading/watching creations from POC, developing a foundational understanding of terms, principles, boundaries. I’m ready for critical engagement with others – after I read all the materials in the pinned posts 🙂

  191. Amy Venable Avatar
    Amy Venable

    Hi. I have read and will follow guidelines. Thank you for creating this space. I’m looking forward to reading past posts, pins, and reading through the ethics series. I’m nervous about commenting and engaging on every post. I am slow to process and tend to need time muddling through thoughts and feelings on important things and issues before I speak. Thank you for all the time, consideration, and love you’ve so clearly put into creating this space. And thank you for challenging those who choose to be here. I’m terrified I’m going to “react” to your writings. Your words are so eloquent I’ve already felt the urge to immediately hit a love reaction. But I understand the reasoning behind. Again, thank you.

  192. Michaella Rodriguez Avatar
    Michaella Rodriguez

    I learned about this space yesterday night. I saw the pinned post and wanted to give it my full attention, so have just now read the guidelines. I had been looking forward to it all day!
    I want to be part of this space, this walk with others. I set the intention to open my heart and my mind, to listen, and to speak. This is something that I have been timid, even scared to do in the past. But I am ready to face this challenge. Thank you for the opportunity.

  193. Karen Wissman Avatar
    Karen Wissman

    Thank you for providing this space and your wonderfully eloquent guidelines. I look forward to reading, learning, engaging and becoming a better example for my grandchildren. Its our responsibility to teach them kindness, compassion, empathy and acceptance. Let the work begin.

  194. Chris Avatar

    Thank you for so clearly laying your expectations out. I commit to honoring them.

  195. Michelle green Avatar
    Michelle green

    I have read the guidelines. Thank you.

  196. Rochelle Nielson Avatar
    Rochelle Nielson

    Thank you for your time, energy, and presence through this site. Part of me wants to be here and part of me wants to take flight. And I know that the option of “flight” is part of my privilege. My goal is to approach my discomfort here. I’m in.

  197. Sally Wightkin Avatar
    Sally Wightkin

    I am very much looking forward to engaging in conversation in this space. I’m am looking forward to learning to be a better listener, to be better at formulating and articulating questions and responses, to listening and learning from others, to accepting the challenge of moving beyond the “likes” and “smiley-faces”.

  198. Joanna Avatar

    I am here. I read the guidelines. My friends are sad and I am sad. I’m sorry I didn’t find this place earlier so I could have been better sooner. I look forward to clumsily becoming a less clumsy ally. Thanks so much for the opportunity to be here and for creating this space.

  199. Katie Peige Avatar
    Katie Peige

    I have read the guidelines and appreciate the time and work to create them. Thank you for the welcome for this journey. This community is powerful and important and I am grateful to walk with you. Thank you for the guidance.

  200. Jackie Avatar

    Thank you for creating this space and setting aside these guidelines. I’m new to the page but I want to do better and be active in bettering myself and conscious of not passing on harmful habits to my children so they will be better than I was.

  201. Shanti Hodges Avatar

    Thank you for these clear guidelines and recognizing that Facebook isn’t the only space to put things. I appreciate that you have a website. I am excited to read and learn more.

  202. Morgan Callison Avatar

    Thank you so much for laying out these guidelines in such a clear and concise manner. I truly appreciate the intention of this space and am absolutely honoured to be here. Wow, I’m in awe of what I have come across here. Immense gratitude.

  203. Sandy Rhee Avatar
    Sandy Rhee

    I too have just joined today and reacted without knowing the guidelines. I will find it and remove it and it will not happen again. Thank you for the opportunity to learn, reflect, and grow.

  204. Rebecca Davis Avatar
    Rebecca Davis

    Read and acknowledged. Your wisdom and eloquence and desire to share and educate others are all very humbling. I put one foot forward on this path with fearful trembling but with a burning heart of hope.

  205. Kati Avatar

    Yes, I did the same – found this space through Facebook and automatically put up a few reacts before reading the Guidlines. I apologize for doing so (I removed them as soon as I saw the guidelines(, and I am looking forward (nervously) to actively engaging. Thank you, Lace and admin, for creating and moderating this space.

  206. Amanda Swartfager Avatar
    Amanda Swartfager

    Thank you for your work. I look forward to reading more and trying my best to actively engage, anxiety be darned.

  207. Carie Ann Avatar
    Carie Ann

    Thank you for this space and your commitment to providing it for everyone willing to engage and grow.

  208. Kristina Avatar

    My privilege is in my not being held accountable nearly enough and it has not served me to grow in that way. Grateful to be welcomed here and to start a journey of reversal and regrowth.

  209. Robert Scroggs Avatar
    Robert Scroggs

    I joined the Facebook page yesterday, but didn’t take the time to read the Guidelines until today. Thank you for your patience as I play catch up. I’ll be working my way through the required readings over the next several days. In the meantime, I’ve gone back and removed my single react from before I read the Guidelines. I will work to actively engage instead.

  210. Mariana Walenkamp Avatar
    Mariana Walenkamp

    I am grateful to have been led to this space. I have grown silent in day to day life because I did not do the work to be educated about how to speak about racism as a white person. I have so much to learn and am relieved to now have answers and education. Thank you Lace and admins.

  211. Jamey Avatar

    Read. Thank you for creating and nurturing this space.

  212. Beth Brooks Avatar
    Beth Brooks

    Read. Brand new here and to this walk. Feeling challenged and a little intimidated.

  213. Elinor Avatar

    This is my first day here, so I’m just beginning to read all of the content. Engaging actively is difficult for me (reading is easy but writing and interacting and confronting things about myself that need to change is much harder) so I will make a concerted effort to do so here and I hope that I will grow from it as other commenters have said. Thank you for doing the work to provide resources and this space.

  214. Ashley Avatar

    I appreciate these guidelines and know I will come to appreciate them even more as I engage within the community – I am currently working my way through the pinned post links for the first time. It is wonderful to find a space that exists not just provide content or information, but that has expectations of those who choose to engage within it. Thank you for the time and effort you put into creating these guidelines.

  215. Jill Avatar

    Thank you! I am just arriving here and am so struck by your guidelines. They are making me rethink the way I have been engaging with race-related content up to now. I’ve been uncomfortable with reacting for a while but couldn’t put my finger on why. I look forward to learning more and being challenged to engage meaningfully.

  216. Julie Avatar

    Read. I appreciate stumbling upon a link to this site and am eager to read, listen, and learn. I’m mostly eager to further my work of disentangling in myself what our culture has attempted to tell me. I understand the request to engage in discussion and know I’ll need to push myself to do that more than I typically would online; for this, your “front porch” analogy is apt. Thank you for making this content and community available. I can already feel the thoughtfulness and wisdom that has been poured forth after reading a handful of posts. The “no reacts” guideline seems like freedom.

  217. Hilary Avatar

    I look forward to joining a ‘group’ to engage with and take a deeper look at the world, myself, and a community of people who were drawn here. I must admit I am not typically a ‘joiner’. It is something I find difficult and sometimes painful because when one joins a group made up of individuals who share say one specific interest e.g. an animal rescue, that one common interest does not always mean people share similar opinions or ideas and it is not always pleasant. As I have seen in some of the comments above mine, I realize too, that I am not good at confrontation. So I hope I can learn and contribute and grow. I agree to the guidelines and hope I can make the commitment to break the comfort of the the ‘scroll and roll’ that social media affords as an option. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to have a discussion and a voice; should I find the confidence to use it.

  218. Alexandria Jacobson Avatar
    Alexandria Jacobson

    Read and agreed. I am grateful to grow with others.

  219. Amy Sommer Avatar
    Amy Sommer

    Choosing to enter. Starting my research now on the basics – making sure I do the readings, ways to pay for what I’d pay for a graduate-level class (seems like a good barometer but happy to hear other advice). Carving out time in my calendar like I would for a class.

  220. Susan Schultz Avatar
    Susan Schultz

    I am excited, eager and her nervous about this walking journey I am starting. Reading the guidelines was like a blinking light to me about the commitment I need to be prepared to make to myself and my fellow walkers. I’m nervous I’ll disappoint- either by not making this the priority it needs to be or, frankly by f*ing up and saying something hurtful or insulting or demeaning, etc. I know I’m going to want to have my hand held and will have to be actively reminding myself that it is my job to hold my own hand. Thank you for providing this space and forum for growth while at the same time acknowledge that you aren’t doing this for me- in the end it is to facilitate the safety of people of color. I had never heard of the word Hesed before so I looked it up and I do love the meaning. Thanks again!

  221. Bronwyn Hogan Avatar
    Bronwyn Hogan

    I have been lazily taking from this group for too long, while only dipping in here and there when I “have had” the time (which really means when I have chosen to make this a priority). And even then I wasn’t really engaging deeply. I would say to myself – I’ll give some financial supoort, but this is so important I will wait to really engage when I can give it the appropriate attention – but that was just an excuse not to do the work and to hide because I am afraid of being wrong or being “called out” (even when it is constructive). So here I am, starting over. Reading the guidelines and pinned posts. Aiming for better work from myself

  222. Karen Glassman Batten Avatar
    Karen Glassman Batten

    Thank you, Marlise. I will read responses understanding they are relational engagement and given with kind candor. The more I’ve read and commented, the more I realize what a powerful place this is. I am committed to walk here with you all, to think of others perspectives and my impact on relationships, especially with people of color, and to being lovingly present.

  223. Karen Glassman Batten Avatar
    Karen Glassman Batten

    Thank you, Marlise. I will read responses understanding they are relational engagement and given with kind candor. The more I’ve read and commented, the more I realize what a powerful place this is. I am committed to walk here with you all, to think of others perspectives and my impact on relationships, especially with people of color, and to being lovingly present.

  224. Rebecca Avatar

    Thank you for the time and reflection obviously put into these guidelines, I have read them twice and I’m sure will read them again and again as I participate.

  225. Julia Avatar

    On some level this reminds me of sitting Vipassana, which in turn reminded me so deeply of parenting a toddler. No snark; kind candor; examining one’s own reactions before responding.

    Toddler parenting was, in many ways, another chance for me to grow up. And I think I begin to understand that this community, too, offers another chance to grow up—and that like all the other chances, it will not feel comfortable and secure. Thank you.

  226. Jen Taylor Avatar
    Jen Taylor

    After reading the guidelines, I’m reflecting on what a unique space this is. Facebook seems to be all about the scrolling and rolling, click “like” and on to the next meme. It’s going to be a challenge to avoid those learned behaviors and instead mindfully interact with the issues presented here. I’m feeling a little overwhelmed, a little fearful that things will go over my head or that I’ll say something foolish in my ignorance and not be able to delete it and try again. I’m also humbled to be asked to share my voice on these issues when I am so new to this level of processing in issues of race while people of color have lived with these issues for their entire lives. Thank you for sharing this opportunity and for offering this novel and safe-ish space for learning.

    While I found many of the guidelines personally impactful, one piece that particularly resonated with me was, “One of the skills you will be building here is how to become a relentlessly resilient and reliable person; this will bode well for you here as well as outside of this space. We are only as faithful and safe as the whole community commits to being.” I will move forward with this in mind and endeavor to be faithful, resilient, reliable and safe in my reactions.

  227. Katie Mentz Avatar
    Katie Mentz

    I am just joining this community and feel inspired and slightly overwhelmed by the sheer amount of content provided. I have been on a walk of discovering and understanding my ignorance about systemic racism and how my whiteness plays a role. I look forward to continued development and awareness, and fully prepared to learn from my mistakes. Thank you for making this space exist.

  228. Karen Avatar

    I appreciate what you wrote. I’m seeing how this is a place for participation and communication and community. I appreciate that.

  229. Karen Avatar

    I am also interested in becoming more relentlessly resilient and reliable. Especially resilient. I am embarrassed by my… avoidance, I think. I imagine as I read on and learn more about this community, I will probably be able to be reliable in terms of participation. I am not sure what it means to me to be a reliable anti-racist. That sounds harder. I’m finding I’m nervous to be here. I will feel better when I’ve read more. I’m sort of unsure of what exactly is expected here, and how frank any… reprimands (?) might be. But part of the experience is probably accepting discomfort and seeing it’s privilege to be able to avoid it and just go scroll silly memes. Here to participate. Here to listen and learn.

  230. Marlise Avatar

    Karen, as a first step/push, I encourage you to see responses as relational engagement (we tend to see confrontation negatively and with shame). I will be honest, it will not negate the discomfort. We white people are not accustomed to direct accountability, but you will find it given with kind candor here.

  231. Karen Avatar

    I’m very interested in being part of a community that can talk honestly about race. I’m concerned about being confronted, but willing and eager to work on my internalized racism, systemic racism, and how my fear of confrontation is a type of privilege. I am glad this is a place we’re expected to participate. And glad I looked agsin and found the comment box here.

  232. Anna Sloan Avatar
    Anna Sloan

    Hi Varda — I appreciate this candid comment, and I know that visceral feeling, not so much from this space, but from others in which I’m engaged. I’m a relatively new walker, and this feels like such an important reminder to me: that my skills will expand, my resilience will grow, my roots will become more comfortably stable, but only with consistent, regular practice.

  233. Anna Sloan Avatar
    Anna Sloan

    Hi Genya — I appreciate what you’ve written here, as I was struck by much, too, in the video that Lace posted yesterday. I’m trying to renew a sense of loving discipline with myself to stridently follow the guidelines, particularly those about engaging regularly and with consistency. Looking forward to being in community with you.

  234. Anna Sloan Avatar
    Anna Sloan

    I’m grateful for being called into this space after a hiatus (which I’m not proud of), and am finding much to engage with as I re-read these guidelines. In reading, I’m struck by feeling that the community that is being so carefully crafted here is one that I deeply want to live in, and I’m excited to be here with you all. I will remember this feeling as I walk. I’m feeling especially drawn to grow in the direction of being a more “relentlessly resilient and reliable person,” and its clear to me the benefit that this will have for being amongst fellow walkers, for work outside of this space, and really for all of my relationships in this life. Looking forward to diving in anew and continuing the journey.

  235. Amy W. Avatar
    Amy W.

    Read the guidelines and I agree. Thank you for you hard work and fight!

  236. Genya Avatar

    I have read the guidelines – then I wandered away for a moment and watched the video Lace recently posted. That helped me uncover that I knew I was supposed to respond to these posts after reading them and I hadn’t yet so I’ve come back to apologize and to do so. My apologies for not commenting earlier. I will strive to respect the intentionality of each guideline and honor the labor put in to creating them.

  237. Shannon Avatar

    “It’s important to feel connected; engagement with others is the best way to try to create that.” I think if there’s one thing I keep coming back to again and again, it’s that no amount of reading or thinking replaces true relationship. I have to listen (something I struggle with), I have to talk (something I do well, but I have to do so in a way that’s not just showing off my cleverness or what I know), and I have to be vulnerable. Entering this space requires vulnerability because Lace and the mods will push further and ask for more than most people on the internet do. But that level of vulnerability, pushing to learn more and more, and trusting us that we will be willing to is what makes the strongest communities, whether online or offline.

  238. Laura Berwick Avatar
    Laura Berwick

    So glad to see you here! I don’t think there ARE other spaces/communities like this, so you’re definitely not alone. I’m still nervous every time I start typing. I’ve never faced a harder challenge, myself. But it gets… not easier?… but more productive and reflexive?… the longer you stick with it and the more frequently you engage. Like Kathy says, it’s a resolute walk, not a race, so it will be good to pace yourself deliberately. Can’t wait to keep walking with you!

  239. Laura Berwick Avatar
    Laura Berwick

    Hi Erika! I just wanted to let you know how happy it made me to read this. I am here to admit that staying engaged is not easy for me. It probably isn’t easy for anyone, I should remind myself I’m not special in that. But it is so much more rewarding than lurking. I’m so excited for you as you go forward. You’ll see! Walking with you!

  240. Laura Berwick Avatar
    Laura Berwick

    In reading the guidelines again per the instructions on FaceBook, something struck me anew, tying together the concepts that “We are not an entertainment space,” “this is indeed a novel space,” and “no snark or sarcasm, no punching down.”

    Snark and sarcasm and punching down can feel REALLY fun. They can silence opposition, making it look like someone “won”. It can be SO entertaining to watch someone who has made us frustrated or angry get punched down on, snarked at, and impaled on sarcasm. I fell into the sarcasm trap IRL the other day, and had to haul myself out and make amends.

    But this is a new kind of space. A space where we forgo that form of entertainment as well as the scroll and roll kind. The dynamic that these particular facets of the guidelines foster has been hands-down the most profoundly productive and meaningful dynamic I’ve seen anywhere on the internet. Anywhere.

    I obviously find it challenging, even if I’ve managed to follow this guidance to a tee in this space. Which I’m not sure I have AT ALL. This will never be easy for me. I like to “win”. I’m a master at cutting wit. I have a fairly innocent love of words and turns of phrase that can so easily be used for evil rather than good. Engagement in this space has made me a better human for following these guidelines alone, before even speaking to how it’s helped me practice a more authentic anti-racism.

    Which makes me realize in a new way how absolutely vital these facets of the guidelines have been in helping me keep my own personal racism front and center, working on it productively, and learning how to productively engage with others in their similar work.

  241. Erika Stanley Avatar
    Erika Stanley

    I’ve been reading and considering when to join the walk. I hesitated after my first read through of this initial guidelines and I’m so grateful for the explicit and kind clarity these are laid out with. They made it clear to me a few months back that while I felt called to this space that I wasn’t ready to show up reliably. And I honored that so that I could join with respect for all of you already here. I will endeavor to do this today and moving forward. Thank you for the invitation to this praxis. I see the seeds for growing understanding, connection, and meaningful work here ready for me to sew and tend. I see the good company of folks moving forward, walking. I step forward as a new walker. With love and solidarity.

  242. Varda L Avatar
    Varda L

    What engagement looks like. How to be functional in a space – what it takes to be safe-ish. How regular financial engagement is a praxis that drives internal change.

    The person I am reading this today is fundamentally different than the person who originally read these guidelines.

  243. Varda L Avatar
    Varda L

    I’ve gotten so comfortable in this space. I remember the sinking feeling I used to feel when Lace or M Boes Flores responded to my posts.

    This reminds me to set aside time to actively engage with the Lace space, especially other community members.

  244. Kathy krstchmer Avatar
    Kathy krstchmer

    I’m glad your here! Remember we are walking resolutely, not racing. Plan your walk: how much time you commit to spending here, how often, how many community members will you engage with
    per visit, etc. And then walk out your plan. You can do it—and like me, you won’t do it perfectly, but we’re aiming for progress not perfection.

  245. Heather S Avatar
    Heather S

    I have never been a part of a space/community like this, and I am nervous I am not up to the challenge. I am however encouraged by the comments I see so far about how much this page has impacted others as far as their own personal growth. I have a lot of reading to do.

  246. Therese Hymer Avatar
    Therese Hymer

    Thank you, read and agree. I am so intrigued by what I have seen so far, thank you.

  247. LeeAnna Khavinson Avatar
    LeeAnna Khavinson

    I’m new here but I find this site a breath of fresh air. It is so important to engage fully in order to reflect and make meaningful change.

  248. Brianna G. Avatar
    Brianna G.

    Read and Agreed.
    I am excited to explore all the information Lace on race has to offer, and hope to contribute as much as what is given to me on this platform.

    Much love-Bri.

  249. Heather Avatar

    I’ve read the guidelines. I will engage. I’m currently working through the pinned Facebook post.

  250. Emily Weisenburger Avatar
    Emily Weisenburger

    Thank you. I appreciate what you are asking of me and I believe I can commit to that expectation. I have never been asked, or really never heard the request, to be fully present in the discussion on race in an on line forum. I tend to bow out when things get sticky. Can’t cope, can’t stay. I realize this is a privilege of being a white woman in America. I am glad I decided to show up.

  251. Vickie White Avatar
    Vickie White

    Read and agreed.

  252. Karina Miller Avatar
    Karina Miller

    Following these guidelines has translated into my life. I’ve become a better family member and friend. When I’ve been confronted, when I’ve been gently coached or provided with feedback, and when I’ve engaged fully and deeply, I have learned, grown and stretched. I’m so grateful for the opportunity to be here. Thank you for bringing this back into focus periodically.

  253. Varda L Avatar
    Varda L

    Read. Thank you.

  254. Lace Watkins Avatar
    Lace Watkins

    Lace here.
    We do encourage sharing. If you are sharing something original to Lace on Race, the link will show up. If you are sharing an outside article or meme, be sure to include our commentary. We don’t always add commentary of our own, but we do ask that you make that effort. If you are on a laptop or desktop, you will usually get a check box to include original post; if you are on your phone you will have to cut and paste, and we do ask that you make that effort. We look at things differently here; our commentary on articles and memes reflect that.

    We do appreciate your adding the paypal link. Financial engagement is what keeps our lights on, and I personally have had to work hard to offer that link unapologetically. Paying writers and thinkers of color for the intellectual work they do is a big part of overall racial justice praxis.

  255. Alexis Avatar

    If I remember right(please correct me if I’m wrong!) if you share a post of Lace’s, please post her PayPal link with it.

  256. Alexis Avatar

    The more I am in this space and working, the better I feel. It’s what helps me grow. I like how you said this is like us sitting on your front porch. So every time I come here, it’s like I’m coming to your home, and it’s rude to ignore other guests while only talking to you. It’s a good analogy.

    When it comes to the Facebook page, I have you set as see first but still type it in so it’s more proactive. I admit, I do have to come here and post more often.

    I have to remember that no space where white people are is ever truly safe for Black people. And I am in control of how I make it safe-ish. Think. Use my figurative imagination.

  257. Alexis Avatar

    I’m snarky too, and this space has calmed that down. It’s helps me think before I type something. Does it sound snarky? How does this further the conversation?

  258. Nichole Avatar

    I totally understand the no-reacts part. In many cases, I’ve reacted to things about race issues as a way to say “Look, I’m totally getting educated on how to be better. Can I get a gold star?” And, though that shouldn’t be the intent, it is and it’s difficult to admit that. I also think I’m not alone in doing so.
    With that, what is the stance on sharing posts to facebook and such? Though, I’m thinking, if I find it similar to a react then I shouldn’t do it. I feel it better to invite friends to explore the page instead. And, again, I find myself thinking: “Look! I worked it out all by myself…how to walk better.” Damn! There is much work for me to do.

  259. Lace Watkins Avatar
    Lace Watkins

    How so?

  260. Varda L Avatar
    Varda L

    My understanding of these ethos has certainly evolved from when I first read them. Thank you.

  261. Lace Watkins Avatar
    Lace Watkins

    Hello. Thank you for your renewed commitment.

    We use Venmo and Paypal. There is no recurring automatic contribution system. We feel, as we do for the entirety of Lace on Race, that financial engagement should be as intentional and as mindful as the rest of your interaction with the space. We do offer reminders in the form of weekly or, more commonly, semi-monthly Asks, where we invite community members to engage with us tangibly, as well as serving as a reminder for those who have made the enhanced commitment to become Sustainers, as is what you are describing; those who make the decision to walk with us in this way as a regular practice. Making it automatic takes your agency out of it to a degree that we feel is not conducive to the ethos of this space.

    We welcome your interest, and am grateful to you for your wanting to walk with us!

  262. Pam Avatar

    Read, and I will be going back to Relational Ethics. I think I need to assign myself a time to read and engage here to make sure I do it. Lastly, I’m wondering if there is a way to automatically support Lace each month?

  263. Laura Berwick Avatar
    Laura Berwick

    As someone who has excelled at surgical snark attacks, in following these rules and this ethos, I have become a stronger voice for what I believe in and a better human. This path for interaction is so powerful, not just in this space, but in the entire, gritty, acrid online world. This path also makes the space so uniquely productive for true discussion and learning. This is important.

  264. Deb Chymiak-Isanhart Avatar
    Deb Chymiak-Isanhart

    These guidelines are good to follow anywhere I go. The community we’ve planted and are growing is a model for what I’d like to be part of offline as well.

  265. Kathy Kratchmer Avatar
    Kathy Kratchmer

    So good to be reminded again who we are and how we are and to note where I am not being the kind of community member we need, that I say I want to be.

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