The Face of Lace

As a participant in community here at Lace on Race, there are certain assumptions you are likely bringing to the table that we need to discuss.

A website garners different interactions than other media outlets, like Facebook and Twitter. In order for you to fully grapple with the content here, in a way that will change your praxis and your walking, these deep held beliefs need to be brought to the light and exposed. We firmly believe doing so while in accountable community brings healing and change that will ripple into your actions as you interact in the world.

First, we need to talk about your trust in me, Lace, a black woman leading Lace on Race. We will discuss ways, subtle and overt, that my voice is discredited, spoken over, and corrected. The ways expertise, education, and “helpful” advice is used to signify a lack of trust that I will lead best and have a plan for our community here.

Second, we need to address all the barriers that you will inevitably feel rising up as the community here asks you to engage and walk deeper and deeper. As we push for deeper discussions, financial engagement, and praxis examination, you will find barriers of time, money, and resources rising up. We will talk about “can’t” vs “won’t,” as well as how to confront these barriers to push through to sustainable action.

There will be more additional assumptions we will confront. For now, we will address these two specifically as we begin our journey on our website.

Those of you who are familiar with our previous work on these discussions will find it beneficial to not “check out” and browse through the coming posts. If you have been walking with Lace on Race for awhile, your perspective and grounding has shifted. Use that shift to approach these discussions with new eyes that can seek out deeper and more challenging conviction.

As always, we are grateful for each and every community member walking with us. We look forward to a new season of growth with you.

4 responses to “The Face of Lace”

  1. Sarah Outterson-Murphy Avatar
    Sarah Outterson-Murphy

    Thanks for putting up the website. I’ve been gone for a while because I had to get off the endless scroll of facebook for my mental health but I found your website and I’m planning to develop a new habit of reengaging here and supporting you.

  2. Alexis Klein Avatar
    Alexis Klein

    After starting on Facebook, I am interested in learning on this website. The interactions will be even more purposeful and I appreciate it.

  3. Alexis Klein Avatar
    Alexis Klein

    Trust and the can’t vs. won’t are great places to grow from, and I am encouraged that this will be a great place to grow and learn in.

  4. Kathy Kratchmer Avatar
    Kathy Kratchmer

    Deeper, more challenging and brand new understandings ahead. I am excited about this new beginning together, where you are leading us and how we will arrive there….. all of us together. Thank you.

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