Facebook Publication Date: 44222.792361111
This is absolutely unsurprising.
The ostensible reason is that the people who were considered first are medical personnel; that skews white.
The other reason is more concerning, and is steeped in Supremacy.
For all the purple prose and empty congratulations and praise heaped upon essential workers who are not medical personnel, who skew black and brown, and who are taking as many risks as medical personnel , they were not included.
That is not by accident.
We need to confront this and confront it hard.
While I am glad that those who have been able to be vaccinated are, and I absolutely understand the need for medical personnel to be taken care of, this forgetting of and erasure of Frontline workers who deliver our groceries for us, who are making our take out for us, who put their lives on the line every day for what is essentially minimum wage with *no medical benefits*, it is a statement that is not lost on me.
And it certainly is not lost on them.
For every Facebook post I see of someone showing their documentation that they got vaccinated, never once have I seen one from a gig worker, or supermarket employee, or restaurant employee.
If ever there was a time when we were saying these people are essential, when we *really* mean Expendable, this time is now.
And it needs to be confronted.
And you have more power than you think. You can ask the management of restaurants and supermarkets. You can leave a message for instacart and GrubHub and Uber Eats.
When we accept the status quo as to *who is worth a vaccination*, and let’s make no mistake that’s exactly what we’re doing, we send a message to those who we laud in public, but disparage in private.
I said what I said.
Permalink: https://www.facebook.com/laceonrace/posts/pfbid02dGqJtnFhSkm4Kgz4u4eE1KZsCZ9tFwKdSBcePuWWbczLDBajT8Gg1HsTQJbNT71cl
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