Facebook Publication Date: 10/23/2019 0:10
From Son of Baldwin:
They know this. That’s why they will always engage in it.
Racism is just another tool of war.
“Negative social attitudes, such as racism and discrimination, damage the health of those who are targeted by triggering a cascade of aberrant biological responses, including abnormal gene activity. It is not surprising that reports documenting lifespan and causes of mortality have demonstrated a clear pattern: African Americans die sooner and bear a heavier burden of many diseases, including hypertension, heart disease, dementia and late-stage breast cancer.
Scientists have searched for genetic causes to health disparities between blacks and whites but have had limited success. The strongest evidence to date points to social-environmental factors such as poverty, health care inequities and racism.
Our society is plagued by racism and racial inequality which is not fully recognized by all, according to a recent study showing that many Americans overestimate our progress in fixing racial inequality. On the other hand, more Americans (65%) are aware that it has become more common for people to express racist or racially insensitive views, according to a U.S. survey.”
Image description: A Black man, eyes closed, is lying in a hospital bed with his eyes closed. Over him, a white doctor is seen handing a pen and clipboard with forms on it to a Black woman.
Permalink: https://www.facebook.com/laceonrace/posts/pfbid02mfukmSjS8os3jMScBngdrtdDK1VmA2yffeS8TtwUj2qvCXu2XNtyJryg3sMo7NUZl
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