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Facebook Publication Date: 10/16/2019 15:10

Lace on Race
Relational Ethics
The Face of Lace

I have a few minutes before my break is over, and I want to talk about being afraid of what I want to talk about.

That’s not quite true. I need to be quite honest about what I’m afraid of. Or rather who.

It’s you.

This has been a hard few days. Particularly in losing friends in my offline life, and in feeling like anything I do would be fraught.

There are lots of lessons here, in this space what has morphed into an extended tutorial on what not to do in service to racial justice.


While I am not one for bloodlust, it’s hard to instill principles without examples. And we have them. But.

If I appear to go ‘too hard’ on a white woman, a white woman of the cloth, no less, how long before sentiment turns?

Yes, I am afraid of you.

How does this fear feel?

Like every time I run the Ask (which, yes, I need to do again), but with an order of magnitude more intensity.

You all are fine with the aggregate, but when faced with actual violence in real time, the onus can well shift. At what point do I become, as Wendy called me ‘a bully’ and ‘vicious’? What behaviors being called to the fore trigger you and make you more apt to bail than to be convicted?

*Do* you see me as a perp beating up on white women, as is the charge put forth by not only Wendy in the last week, but also with Joanne and Katy, such that you have to erect ‘boundaries’ against my ‘aggression’?

We need to have this discussion head on.

Think about all this; I will return after work.

How much can you take before you call me a monster too?

Permalink: https://www.facebook.com/laceonrace/posts/pfbid077BNT4YZUDW5KVbxhgp4xUnx63662JYkwAsTs9fGDyTZypTLQNfoShNT4MVBcDTfl

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