LoR FB Page – A British family on vacation accidentally drove into the U.S. They’ve spent days detained with their 3-month-old baby. – 434535550533591

Facebook Publication Date: 10/15/2019 12:10

From Hypatia:

Make sure you keep reading to the part where it becomes obvious that they get special treatment because they’re white. Because that’s what this whole disgusting scheme is about: privileging whiteness and making everyone who isn’t white suffers.

At every step, this family was treated better than the people who are coming here seeking refuge and asylum. Their experience is still horrific, isn’t it?

Permalink: https://www.facebook.com/laceonrace/posts/pfbid0247rxUCt4iNiPYjsCfpFtB2zBTaKjowEqQqsmCoqqYhybkBQjk3daCKz5Q1YmLATgl

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