LoR FB Page – Black woman killed by white officer in her own home while babysitting nephew – 433789370608209

Facebook Publication Date: 10/14/2019 7:10

Via Nichola Torbett

From Benjamin Mertz: “I’m reading about Atatiana Jefferson, who was just shot in her own home by cops. They shot her through the window. A neighbor called the police to check on her to make sure she was okay, the reason as yet is unknown. And they shot her through the window, without identifying themselves as police, while she was babysitting her 8-year-old nephew. One report suggests Atatiana and her nephew may have been hanging out on the couch playing videogames.

“So, sometimes I hang out on the couch playing videogames, near a window. If you’re ever worried about me, please don’t ask the cops to check on me.

“Right now I’m at a restaurant in Petaluma winding down from a long weekend of gigs. The place is packed. I’m the only person of color in the building. I want you to understand what it means to be the only black man in a room filled with white people. It only takes one person in this room who thinks I looked at their daughter wrong. Or that I didn’t have the right tone when I ordered my food. One misunderstanding.

“Anyone in this building can pick up the phone and order a hit on me. That’s part of the black experience. We live every day knowing that.

“I have a tail light out right now. I’m stupid for letting it happen and not being home before dark. If you don’t know why this is such a dangerous mistake, you haven’t been paying attention.

“I don’t know what the end of this post is. Most of my Facebook feed is white. So I’m just keeping y’all in the loop. I’ll be driving home scared.

“Be good.


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