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Facebook Publication Date: 10/13/2019 17:10

Lace on Race

Mid Month Ask

Wow, what a month.

With all going on, we have not done the Ask for a few weeks now in a concerted way, and it has shown.

There’s your irony for you, the busier we are, and it seems it ratchets up more and more by the minute, the less time we have to make for the stuff of life that keeps this community viable and healthy.

And there is another reason too: I am very sensitive to seeming opportunistic or cajoling. It’s why I am so hesitant about this aspect of our shared lives together.

With the pain of last week, there was a real struggle. I didn’t want to seem to leverage my hurt. So, no Ask.

But it’s needed. We are doing our best by you, while at the same time populating the website and doing outside work.

The need is greater than ever, and we have lost two full weeks. Which means, quietly but insistently, I need more of you to come forward this today and this week. This is the strongest I get, but I hope you hear the timbre behind it.

I need to be less hesitant about this essential part of the life of this community here.

And, quietly, you all need to make it easier, by not waiting for an Ask that you know I hate to do, by not cringing when you do see it, and by not being resentful and feeling put upon if you see it more than once in a week. Running it multiple times is the only we can get any kind of reach with Facebook being as it is in actively suppressing us.

Later this week, we will be featuring the October partner, Food not Bombs. We have lost two weeks there too, so we really need you to show up for that too.

People have asked me how they can be of help to me. It is simple really. Help me to continue to do this work. Help me to ask you to help me to do that without apology or cringing. That is the greatest balm. Knowing that I an be here for hard weeks walking beside you.

To Sustainers, this is your gentle reminder that if you have not fulfilled your October and or September commitment, that you do so. As always your tangible commitment is appreciated and needed.

Here’s the thing. Even with all that happened last week, this space, and the people in it are my greatest joy.


Help me to continue serving you.

My thanks.

Your Lace


–a special thanks to Chris Wojdak Phototography. I love how you see me.

Permalink: https://www.facebook.com/laceonrace/posts/pfbid02mjBogm1mptWqTogpGXPCTzbjA4sdETpp7SJ6LzkTyhSSXGjyPTwtbcM4SJ4TpRvMl

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