LoR FB Page – Why I’m not raising my child in my old neighborhood — the one I said I’d never leave – 432873874033092

Facebook Publication Date: 10/12/2019 19:10

There are no easy answers here.

For now, something different.

At least for a day or so, I am inviting people of color only to respond to this. Afterward, I will open it up to everyone.

I will also contribute my own reflections about why I am in the zip code I’m in.

This is a hard conversation. I want, demand actually, utmost respect and admiration for anyone who chooses to answer this query.


Permalink: https://www.facebook.com/laceonrace/posts/pfbid0dQ3RdNxz9gvBpFZUCmH4udZSfbpJG37Hbm454w8qmcCT8bkkzCZDckBkEsuzD8Lkl

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