Facebook Publication Date: 10/10/2019 10:10
When you read this, what comes up for you?
Where do you locate yourself?
Where are your pain points?
Where are your cringe points?
Where is your clench?
Yesterday was important work.
It can sabotage and stymie, or it can turbo charge us. Both individually and collectively.
For context, we will supply the link to the thread where this was lifted.
Alexis Klein of course society is designed to be anti- black, as it is with all minorities.
Listening should not be a combat mission. I made a suggestion and now I’m told I’m a white supremacist racist. It’s really a bit much.
I set boundaries, as should everyone. If you’re comfortable with being labeled as a racist, or being told that any given interaction you have with a black person is inherently racist just because you’re white, have at it. I came here as an ally, but my whiteness renders me a racist no matter how I actually am as a person. That’s crap, and I’m so disappointed that this page is so negative.
Permalink: https://www.facebook.com/laceonrace/posts/pfbid02yL94Xbh2STaWgSznGnav6p8NYbdFStS5XMNi414Hg5zrCoYUTfe76AuVD271frbXl
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