Facebook Publication Date: 10/10/2019 10:10
From a subthread.
The work is in the subthreads, y’all.
Here’s an irony.
Jess’ words were considered hate speech by the Overlords, but this from Joanne would be perfectly fine:
‘Leonie Cesvette the amount of assuming and unnecessary judgement that goes on in this group is astounding. Yes, I said I was bowing out to get ready for bed. Then I had to wait to get into the bathroom, so I sat on my bed and checked back in.
I will play along. I guess you peeled back in early this morning because you were up all night drinking and just got home from the bar.
Grow up.’
Here the standards are different.
Here *this* is hate speech.
Any words used to wound. Any words used to silence.
Any words deployed to undermine community and the shared ethos and mission of this space.
This is not who we are.
Comments *only*.
Permalink: https://www.facebook.com/laceonrace/posts/pfbid02akpW5pB2DNuRa1JAZ82hMogixdzE7e6m9Ep794FebrVxHhMByNjyScsqbUoPH8kol
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