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Facebook Publication Date: 43546.460416667

Inevitably, every ask results in people suggesting different platforms, different payment methods, and different engagement models that would, by their thoughts, completely change the engagement level and financial contribution amounts. Time for candor.

There have been over 100 people who swore they would financially engage when the ask presented itself. So far after two long essay/asks yesterday, less than half have. I want to be careful to note that I am thankful that they did. But when presented with the opportunity, few people step up.

It is naive or a little disingenuous to suggest, if only I made it easier for people, that these numbers would be different. If someone is not doing this now, they will not when we roll out Patreon.

A few months ago, over 70 people said they would use Patreon. We asked those who were interested to message us yesterday.

Less than 20 did.

This is not about the platform, it is about the will.
People keep forgetting, or dismissing, the emotional toll it will take if I do what they ask, and they still ignore or refuse.

Between the pre-ask and the ask, over a thousand people engaged with the post. That is, they read it. Double that saw it. Again, less than 60 took action. That was better than the last ask in October with 15 responses; but when you consider the intellectual and emotional risk, not to mention time, which took away from my presentation, you have really got to wonder.

You all, meaning you the collective, need to stop displacing blame on me as to why 3940 out of 4000 of you refuse to fund.

Permalink: https://www.facebook.com/laceonrace/posts/pfbid02mG6vkVqfb683aoEK3URw6qvhinySmiMuX2gd4EF6S2cYhTrmiVMWfYUX8ySCFbfNl

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