Facebook Publication Date: 11/27/2018 8:11
A word about Giving Tuesday.
I am gladdened by the funds which will be funneled to good nonprofits doing good work.
Often though, the most innovative, cutting edge and uncompromising work are coming out of individuals and small orgs (disclosure: like my own) who are not formal nonprofits or *who are not on the list of vetted and approved nonprofits*.
One of the ways unintended white supremacy can seep into even good things like Giving Tuesday is when unspoken and unacknowledged barriers exist.
Most nonprofits are headed by dominant culture folks.
Most grassroots orgs are not.
As well, this insistence by dominant culture for orgs to be ‘vetted’, and to have nonprofit status be a part of that is, at the very least, classist. Nonprofit status does *not* speak to efficacy or innovation.
In fact, in some instances it may speak to the opposite.
In the arena of race, for example, the more pointed the message, the less likely any given org will have either the State’s (via NPO status) or Facebook’s blessing.
Most of the funds from Giving Tuesday will wind up in the hands of the usual large charities.
So I gently invite you all to a match of your own.
For every dollar you give to a charity or org that can benefit from Giving Tuesday, consider contributing to a person or org you know is doing good work, but cannot benefit.
This is what will make for greater race, social, and class equity.
Permalink: https://www.facebook.com/laceonrace/posts/pfbid0nqJ2rwweD2E9nf2vCvhpjnUBmZPMpoAQfz4vpcy1YJwspnDq9SaNy77yRkbB3Eg5l
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