Facebook Publication Date: 9/18/2018 22:09
So a good thing, wrapped in an annoying thing:
Lace on Race is now considered a Page influential enough to require me to go through Headtome’s political vetting process.
I am not sure I entirely agree with Headtome’s depiction of Lace on Race; while we definitely engage in social commentary, we are not overtly political, in the sense that we have endorsed neither people nor issues.
Still, the issue of race itself makes for deep muscle twitching here in Headtomeland, and since the very inception of Lace on Race, we have been suppressed, and I have been scrutinized.
So. I am considering their vetting process, which is deep, and more than a bit intrusive, because I feel the work we are doing deserves an audience.
Which is where it gets annoying. Until we do, Lace on Race cannot run ads, which, because of suppression, means we don’t get eyeballs.
So I am asking very directly for two things. One, is to share posts you *are* able to see, including the one from today. It is the only way we can get exposure–and to find me on Medium and share and clap.
Secondly, I am asking you all to do something counterintutive–to continue to support Lace on Race, even in the midst of the lack of exposure, and if you haven’t yet done so, to continue to support it. It’s the only way we will be able to get off of this platform onto a proper website, and will allow us to continue to carry our message to you and others unfettered.
Our style is a quiet and measured one–and, candidly, I believe that is why Headtome is locked and loaded on us. If they thought we had less influence, and that we were not contributing to the conversation, they would allow us to continue unabated; they would leave us be.
This is a complement of sorts, that we are considered ‘thought leaders’. I am not so sure that, after 8 short months, we have earned that title yet, but we would like, I would like to continue as we have; in fact, would like to double down even more so that this commentary and perspective can continue to be heard.
If you believe in the message and the mission of Lace on Race, we implore you to do all you can to support us.
We, for our part, I, Lace, for my part will continue to give you our utmost.
The stakes have been raised. I am counting on all of you to stand with me and rise to the challenge.
Permalink: https://www.facebook.com/laceonrace/posts/pfbid0ZuEsCG4c1GZcqo9u5UnZbBGhf4xywxK9horW8DD5EnwffZ5zeShLxDUbWTFxG2Xol
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