LoR FB Page – Lace on Race – 179738776013271

Facebook Publication Date: 4/19/2018 8:04

(Posting without the graphic)

It’s unclear if we’re seeing more of this blatant racism than bigotry in public spaces because we’re calling it out more or because it’s ramped up because of the current climate in this country.

Frankly, it doesn’t matter.

White people elected Donald Trump because they felt under siege.

They have no idea what feeling like a hated hunted less than human animal in the country that they were born in and have ties to from the Middle Passage, and for very many of us from the Native lands here feels like to their marrow.

I would invite every white person who is reading this to really sit with an imagine what it feels like to be hated and hunted every day of your life.

I would ask that you then make a pledge to stop doing what you ‘feel like’; stop doing ‘what little bit I can’; stop being a hobbyist that does the minimum when you want to if you want to how you want to–

But instead make this a true and authentic and reliable guiding force in your life.

This work cannot be adjunctive. This work cannot be provisional. This work cannot be intermittent.

If, for you, if it is any of these things then I ask point-blank that you stop doing your Romper Room Kabuki Dance and start writing that word everywhere you can; your workplace; scrawl it on the walls of your church or temple; get a day glo bumper sticker for your Camry; sing it to the tune of ‘Achy Breakups Heart’ in the employee cafeteria; wallpaper your foyer with it in different vintage fonts so you’ll be hipster racist; get tatted with it; make a jello mold out of the word.


Because in 2018, in light of recent events, and in light of the last six hundred years, there is no Switzerland for white people.

Actually, there never was. I know you think that keeping a Lindt white chocolate truffle forever melting in your back pocket while whistling ‘We Are The World’ grants you supremacist immunity. It does not.

No. You are either here standing fighting bleeding risking with us or you may as well be holding the pen that wrote the word.


Neither hot nor cold? I spit you out of my mouth.

Whitepeople: you have choices to make.

You will either stand with us or not and if you were ever wondering about the evidence if you were ever wondering about our veracity if you were ever wondering about whether or not it really is as bad as we say it is–

Well let me tell you it’s not that bad.

It’s actually worse.

Sit with it sit with this until tears roll down.

If you are not shaking, if you were not feeling sick to your stomach like I did at Whole Food’s steam table you haven’t sat long enough.

And then get up.

Get up. Do something.

Support this work.

Support it with your dollars.

Don’t pretend I didn’t say it. And not with your spare change, when you can, if you can.

With your first fruits.

Support it with your hands, support it with your life.

Or, alternatively, you can go apply for a job at Krispy Krunchy Khicken at the University of North Texas.

I hear they’re looking for people with good handwriting skills.

Black women writers provide a unique perspective that you will rarely receive in the ‘mainstream’ press.

We are almost to a woman locked out of these venues for our voices to be heard.

Please support alternative journalism and opinion and affirm and respect the valuable work of Black women by contributing to the community of Lace on Race.

We cannot do it without you.



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